Did hitler do any good things

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Hitler banned smoking on buses and trains and he refused to issue ration coupons for tobacco to pregnant women. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/did-hitler-do-any-good-things ]
More Answers to “Did hitler do any good things
Did Hitler do any good things?
Hitler did allot of good things for Germany (and the world), the most well known ones to be the Volkswagen or ‘Peoples Car’ and the Autobahn. His medical experiments, won’t list them but the US and other allies continued this work. He also …
What about all the good things Hitler did?
They don’t teach us about hitler’s good side because they are all pompous lozers who fear another rise of the neo-nazi. Read about him on your own time, he was a genious, he was almost assassinated 44 times at least and not one killed him, …
What good things did adolf hitler do?
Yes well.. ok you should have expected not to receive any serious answer. In fact Hitler did do a lot of good, if only for Germany. He was probably single handedly responsible for dragging Germany out of the Great Depression. Germany was pr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Was there any good things Hitler did for his country?
Q: I know he did lots of horrible things such as killing approx. 6 million Jewish people and killed other civilians and such but I know for a fact that Adolf Hitler had some good in him. I wanna know what’s the good things he’s done because if you think about it.. he was a dictator that didn’t do it for himself.. but did it for his country.. Although I still think what he did, made him into a complete jackass. Thanks.
A: You may get some flak for this question, so I just want to compliment you for asking it. Hitler probably believed (at least in the beginning?) that he was doing the right thing to help Germany. And yet what he ultimately did was horribly heinously wrong, and surrounded himself with the kind of people who also did horribly wrong things, and convinced a whole lot of other people to help them do it. I don’t think it really matters whether he accomplished anything good, because the cost was too great. Trains running on time is not that valuable if those trains are bringing Jews and other outcasts to concentration camps. But it’s useful to recognize that in his own mind he probably had good intentions. If he didn’t, he probably wouldn’t have been able to convince so many people to follow him.It is so important to look back at this kind of thing in a rational objective way and say, why did this happen, and not just conclude that some people are pure evil. Americans created internment camps during the 2nd world war for the Japanese, and created a new concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay, so we should never imagine for one second that these things that Hitler did could never happen again, even in a country obsessed with “freedom” we will happily sacrifice people’s freedom if we feel threatened by them.
did Hitler do any good things after he came to power?
Q: is there any good things that hitler did after he came into power. etc. building stuff
A: Hitler did allot of good things for Germany (and the world), the most well known ones to be the Volkswagen or ‘Peoples Car’ and the Autobahn. His medical experiments, won’t list them but the US and other allies continued this work. He also built needed dams, railroads (he planned a broad gauge railroad, 3 metres wide, but war disrupted its building), rocket engines, jet propulsion, almost full employment, and his policies emphasized the importance of family life.
Did Hitler do any good things?
Q: I heard before he became a dictator that hated the jewish people that he did good things. (I put this question in the wrong category before)
A: Hitler did allot of good things for Germany (and the world), the most well known ones to be the Volkswagen or ‘Peoples Car’ and the Autobahn. His medical experiments, won’t list them but the US and other allies continued this work. He also built needed dams, railroads (he planned a broad gauge railroad, 3 metres wide, but war disrupted its building), rocket engines, jet propulsion, almost full employment, and his policies emphasized the importance of family life. And the most important…opened the world’s eyes to the dangers of greed and having the wrong people to advising you.
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