Do bears at a zoo hibernate

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A bear in the zoo as well as in the wild will not hibernate if there is enough food available, unless it is pregnant. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do bears at a zoo hibernate
Bears do not technically hibernate. In winter conditions they find protected areas like a cave or hollow log and conserve energy by taking extended naps (winter sleep). This is why it is always dangerous to disturb a wintering bear, because…
Bears do not really hibernate in winter as do some smaller mammals. Their body temperature does not drop appreciably, nor does the blood pressure or heart rate. They do, however, become more inactive and sleep a lot more to conserve energy,…
There’s an article about bear hibernation at the Alaskan Zoo here: Apparently they do, but they also wake up periodically and take a stroll around the enclosure during the winter. They have a brown bea…

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350 lb. BEAR, should I sell him to the Cubs as a Mascot or other options? His fate could be in your hands.?
Q: first sighting was by my old house. the newer ones closer to my current place. was spotted in the woods not more than 1 mile away.Bears are unheard of around here to say the least.Most likely a pet someone turned loose.My next door neighbor was the first to spot him. So do I ………A. Illegally poach the bear and make a rug out of him?B. Feed her my left over veggies so she can hibernate like she should?C. Keep taking pictures like my neighbors and make the area a tourist attraction like Loch Ness.D. Buy a tranquilizer gun on Ebay and take her to Niabi Zoo?E. Let her stay free and hope he doesn’t attack any small children or others (which is rare for Black Bears).F. Capture and sell her to the Chicago Cubs as their Mascot, ala the old Angels Rally Monkey?G. Put her in my ex-wifes car when the kids are at my place? (JK I wouldn’t horrify her like that she might have Cubs in a den to feed).H. Other? Elaborate.I’m a Newspaper Printer and printed the 1st photos of the Bear in the paper as well as having him in my back yard.As you can tell I’m quite bored. I’m hoping you choose option “F”, Go Cubs!Bonus Question who is biggest, The Black Bear, Prince Fielder or CC Sabathia?
A: I don’t believe in Animal Cruelty and keeping a real animal as a mascot to me is Cruelty. I suggest capturing it, make sure you have professionals and a veterinarian nearby, and then releasing it into the wild where it can be with other bears.If my observations are correct I think it is a black bear so it should be virtually harmless but remember that if angered it will want to defend itself.Release it into the wild. Most likely to Missouri near St. Louis so he can eat up the Cardinals >:) LOLEdit: Forgot to answer the BQ since I didn’t read the whole question LOL. I would say Sabathia is the biggest. Zambrano would still shove Cici’s head up Prince(ss) ‘s butt.
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