Do pregnant women get stomach craps

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Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Do pregnant women get stomach craps
Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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pregnant women or women with children only-help!?
Q: okay, here’s the deal:I think i might be pregnant, even though the tests came up negative. and i havent been to the doctor because im not showing any of the usual signs of pregnancy-its jus little things here and there that are causing me to wonder. Me and my boyfriend use the pull out method, im not on birth control nor do we use condoms. Now i first want to let you know do not answer my question with all that self righteous “you should be using condoms, safe sex safe sex” mantra crap because i don’t want to hear it!! Anyway im 24 and in june and july, my periods came and only lasted for 3 days and were really light. ive been having periods since i was 11 and they are ALWAYS 5 days long with a heavy/medium flow. i took a pregnancy test in june after he asked me if i even got my period and it came up negative. i haven’t really gained that much weight, but all day today i started feeling this weird cramping/tightening feeling in my lower back, stomach and lower abdomen and on the right side of my stomach its feels a little hard-harder than the rest of my abdomen. also i cant sleep on my right side-i have a hard time breathing. my period for august isn’t due until the 17 or the 18th and besides, i don’t ever get cramps anyway. i didn’t eat anything suspicious or “bad” today so i don’t know where the cramping is coming from. i watch that show on tlc “i didn’t know i was pregnant” all the time and i would be very stunned if this is whats happening to me. Also my mom had 7 seven children and she said with most of us, she didnt know that she was carrying until she was about 3 months or so, so im thinking what if thats genetic and im predisposed to carry like my mom. in fact she got on a roller coaster when she was 4 months pregnant with me cause she had no idea, lol. So i want to hear from you experienced ladies out there? what do you think? also if you all could tell me some of your stories id appreciate it!
A: Well, first I would go see a doctor and do a blood test. You don’t need to show any symptoms to go to your doctor and ask. Or just go to Planned parenthood.And I had no idea I was pregnant until i was about 4 months along. I didn’t have any unusual pain, and no sickness, no weight gain. Nothing. But… surprise!
Do any other bigger pregnant women ever feel like this sometimes?
Q: I’m a little over 7 months into my pregnancy. Before I got pregnant, I weighed probably around 190-195. I lost some weight in my first trimester, but have gained 12 lbs. back so far. I feel like I don’t look pregnant; just more overweight. Some of my family and friends say they can tell I’m pregnant, but I feel like they’re just saying that. It makes me feel like everyone thinks I can still do as much as I could before I was pregnant. The truth is, I feel physically awful quite often and sometimes I get so tired. I’m not working, just doing the usual laundry, cleaning house, etc. but I still want to take a nap so bad sometimes. I feel like if I were to do that, I’d feel so guilty and everyone would make me feel like I’m being “lazy”. I feel like if I had weighed 120 lbs. when I got pregnant, I would have gained a lot more by now and everyone would act like, “Oh, you poor thing! You need to rest! Take a nap!” But because I’m not that big, I think everyone feels I shouldn’t feel tired or feel like crap. Does anyone else ever feel like this? It makes me mad. Just because my stomach doesn’t look like a beach ball, I feel like I don’t deserve to rest or take a break/nap.
A: High five!!! Yes, I feel like that. Sometimes you feel like people don’t think you have it so bad – like you should be USED to being huge.Don’t feel guilty. Who gives a crap if they think you’re lazy for taking a nap?? Who’s having a baby here?? And you ARE carrying a big heavy beach ball, it’s just hiding more easily. Be comfortable and care more about you and your baby’s well-being right now. If your family understands, then don’t worry about it. When that baby gets here, everyone will know you had a baby!!! Lol
How do I deal with being almost 9 months pregnant and my bf looks at half naked women on-line?
Q: There have been a few times I’ve said something to my bf about him watching porn and looking at pics online; it makes me feel like crap. I’ve gained quite a bit of weight that I feel down about as it is but I’m pregnant so I deal with it in knowing I can lose the weight after our son is born. Anyway I obsessively check the pc to see what he looks at when I’m in bed and he’s not or when I have to run out and he’s home alone. I end up freaking out, feeling less attractive that he has too look at other women and he hardly touches me anymore, maybe we make love once every 2 weeks or more. I told him it makes me feel terrible but he assures me its just a natural guy thing and it has nothing to do with how he feels for me but it still makes me sick to my stomach when I see he’s still looking. Should I just get rid of the pc? How do I deal with this without being hysterical? Please someone help me with this!!
A: Please do not complicate things for yourself. You are a beautiful person and are about to experience one of life’s greatest joys–motherhood. I know pornography is sickening and distasteful. I can’t stand why women would want to cheapen themselves like that, but regardless it is their choice to do so. I don’t think you can ever stop someone from looking at such things online unless they themselves want to make that change. Do not obsess you are going to need all your energy for that new baby. Be glad your man is not cheating on you with an actual person..These are just images and you should never feel inadequate in front of them. Smile and Enjoy your pregnancy By the way– Congratulations.
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