Do some girls spot when they are first pregnant

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Call your doctor or midwife right away if you see spotting, even if the bleeding seems to have stopped. While it may turn…more? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do some girls spot when they are first pregnant
Could a girl lose her baby if she spot bleeds during the first 3 …?
Spotting at 3 months can be a sign of having a miscarriage, but not always. Please visit the doctor. Hope this helps!

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Pregnant? Spotting? When to test?
Q: Hey everyone..I’m so confussed right now . .ok i have had unprotected sex quite a few times throuhout my cycle. My fiance and i now suspect that i am pregnant. My boobs have been killing me!!! like throbbing with pain. . which is not a normal symptom for my period. This has been going on for about aweek now. and fo about 2 weeks ive been having headaches everyday. I’m not sure if they are definate pregnancy signs as they could be related to anything .. Also ive been cramping off and on. I had a miscarriage in june this year. . and my symptoms were soo strong i just knew i was pregnant. For instance i found out a week before my period was due that i was pregnant. I havetaken two pregnancy test in the past week and both have been negative. however i think i took tests that only detected a higher amount of HCG in the urine i think they may have been between 25-50 mlU.. anyway, so the first day o my last cyle was on the 18th of october. So my period is due either tomorrow or saturday . Tonight i noticed really really really light coloured discharge when i whiped. That was about 3 hours ago .. and when i just recently went back to the bathroom … its gone. It is very unusual for me to “spot” beore my period starts.. usually i just start bleeding. . . and the fact that it was so minimal and has now stopped is confussing me . . Do you think it could be implantation bleeding? When should i test again? i know i should wait to see what happens tomorrow … but i just need some advice , as with my previous pregnancy i did not spot at all . I am kind of nervous too about another pregnancy . . after i lost the first one at 7 weeks i am affraid of it happening again and also a little affraid of motherhood . . i am 20 turnig 21 and not too sure if we are really ready for this . even though we arent worried bout it. Just sort of getting nervous i guess with the whole not knowing process happening right now. Oh well. So if any of you girls have some experience with this spotting stuff or any stories to tell me then i woul much appreciate it !! Thankyou in advance! xxx
A: test when your period is late for more accuracy. I am sorry for your loss. If you think you are not ready for a baby, then please use protection. good luck with everything and I hope that the result is as you wish it to be
Why is there ‘who is smarter-Boys or girls?’ Debate?
Q: Okay, to boys the smartest person in the world (highest IQ) is a woman. Though one thing: There is no such thing as the smarter gender. Girls get too wrapped in relations later in High School, and get pregnant, so yeah they can be pretty stupid. Though as a whole, boys are pretty dumb in High School. Why is it that when I attended the top 100 ceremony there was about 65 girls, and 35 boys? Later boys do get smarter too, but some are still dumb, some are smarter then their girlfriends. Girls are the more expressive, and ’emotional’, and that builds up way too much=A girl that is illogical, and doesn’t have to be actually dumb to look dumb. After some time, boys are more conventional-They naturally have the Instinct to be ‘the best’ so that’s why there’s so much high-standing boys. Girls often dream up about romance too much and end up marrying right after high school, thus ending their chances of ever changing society while carrying a baby (that admittedly is a incredibly bad choice for these times). Okay at first girls are smarter, but are expected to have children…(My mom keeps talking nonchalantly about ‘you can show this plaque to your grandchildren’…I am probably going to adopt a kid at 30 though-Such a good thing to do for the world.) Simply:There’d be more girls in higher spots in the world if they weren’t so wrapped up with children-They are more creative then boys, but often get held back. Boys have always been considered ‘alphas’ or whatever…Though these days theres no lying-Girls as a whole are a bit more smarter, but often are dumb emotionally….Boys=Lots more conventional, though less creative and thoughtful then girls. Final thing: Anyone who says ‘girls are better then boys’ or ‘boys are better then girls’ are quite dumb. They are good in their own ways, and in truth-I wonder why its such a debate-Seriously boths sides have too much evidence to prove either point. Girls you should think about stuff other then getting married. Boys you should at least try to pass with a C. In the end, both are kind of dumb….(LOL I called myself dumb. >_<) Of course in their own way. Trust me, don’t say either side is better the another. Girls=Emotionally dumb. Boys=Dimwitted for most of their young life. Sorry if I offended anyone, its just annoying how this debate is thrown about. There is no right answer to this at all, and anyone who thinks one gender is better then another, obliviously is dumb. Just think about that when you decide to participate for one side.
A: I don’t know where you live, but most of the young women I interact with on a daily basis have more on their minds than marriage. They are picking colleges, trying to decide on a career path and mostly just trying to figure out who they are. Same goes for young men. Its unfair to paint everyone with the same brush, even if many of them are “dumb”.To answer your question, we live in a highly competitive society and use differences as an excuse to compete with each other. Look at our history – 100 years ago people were trying to use science to prove that white people were genetically superior to everyone else (they later discovered that all humans have 99.9% of the same DNA, regardless of ethnicity or skin color). And you’re right, there is no superior gender. Some women and men are emotionally intelligent, some are intellectually intelligent, some have street smarts and some just aren’t smart. That’s the beauty of humanity. There are more differences and variations within the genders than between them.
Is it possible I could be pregnant…? (Long)?
Q: What an obvious question. I bet you’re thinking, “Well. If you have reason to think you are then you most likely are you irresponsible person!” Well. There are alot of factors.First. I used to be on the pill. Yes used to. I took them for about a year, but they upset my stomach so I just stopped. Such a bad idea but this isnt the point. Me and my boyfriend of three years have had so many pregnancy scares, I think I’m just about to go crazy…Anyway. We had a pregnancy condom-breakage scare. I took some of my left over pills, one every day for 3 days just incase… I never got pregnant from that, so I was safe. It did mess up my period I think though.Now this is the part where everything goes awry, so stay with me. About 2 or 3 months have passed since I took those three pills and the last day in September I got this pregnancy shot which lasts three months. I didnt pay much attention to side affects when she was talking. I was stupid and didnt care. Now it is the 4th of November. Back before I got the shot, my period was already messed up. It was the last few days of the month, when it used to be in the middle and only 3-4 days long instead of 7, as it usually had been. The flow was the same though.I have yet to get my period this month… Well.. for October anyway.. I did get PMS symptoms in the middle, but no blood, no spotting…Me and my boyfriend have sex alot. We do use condoms, they rarely break. We inspect them before hand. But this is the part where I am going to get scolded. You see, to prime me he does this “rubbing” thing where he rubs his erect penis against my clitoris…Which works wonders. Never has he prematurely comed. Well, once, but he was away from the enterance and it was awhile ago, we didnt have a scare with that. Sometimes he does put his penis in unprotected but its rare and he doesnt do much, he does it just to get it wet to make the condom go on easier. Never has he comed there either. I know the risks of precome and how it can get girls pregnant. He wipes it off before hand, and yes we still know there are risks, we’ve never had a problem before… We know theres risks, again. Well, the other day he was in from behind, I didnt know he didnt have a condom on yet. It felt like he did. He pulled out really fast and I asked him if it broke and he just said no, it felt like he was about to come, but he didnt. We were talking for a bit and he meantioned he didnt have a condom on… But he said he didnt come, and I didnt feel anything.My grandfather told my grandmother to ask me if I was pregnant somehow?? I told her no. I inspected myself, asked my honest friend. She tells me if I look fat in something or if my haircut is bad, Im sure she’d tell me this. She said no, I look the same as always.I havent had any morning sickness, any increase in food intake. None of the symptoms Im sure of.Also, when I go to the bathroom and wipe, there is brown (dry/dead) blood on the paper, but nothing in my underwear. Could that be a slight period that never fully came out? Now I know and knew the risks. I know its a possibility. Here’s what I want to know.What are the chances I am pregnant?What are the chances I am not?What is your full and honest opinion on if I am or not?I have always been a heavyset girl… And I have been gaining a bit of weight but I dont eat healthy either. Opinions please?
A: I have never been on the shot myself, but I have heard that it can stop your periods all together. I think the problem you are having is your body is adjusting to the birth control, however I would still get checked. Did your doctor not do a pregnancy test before the shot? Did you tell him about this?Chances are if you were pregnant you wouldn’t look like it yet, so don’t worry about that.I would say your chances are slim because you are using condoms, but any of the non condom activity whether your guy says he didn’t *** or not is risky. He could have.I would get yourself to the doctors at this point, you are probably fine, but if the shot is going to stop your period you aren’t going to be able to stop worrying.Good luck and get into your doc ASAP.
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