Do you burp a lot if you’re pregnant

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Yes. When a woman is pregnant she produces more gas than normal, and this can be passed through belching or farting. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you burp a lot if you’re pregnant
Do you burp a lot when pregnant?
I am about 20 week pregnant with Twins and I am burping a ton! I also have Acid Reflux. My doctor said to use Tum or Zantac to help relieve the acid and burping.

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Q: Well by personal experience, I’ve learnt most women skip two letters in the bra measurements. (I.e. if you were a 34B before, you would later be a 34D). But I know that isn’t necessary the case.I’m currently 30A – pretty small I know – so can anyone predict how big mine will get, and how many weeks I am before they start getting a size or so bigger please?Also, I’ve read that most women get a metally feeling in their mouth.But this morning, instead I got a feeling like there was blood in my mouth, when there wasn’t. Is this normal? Is this blood taste the metally taste?Also, had anyone else become a little piggy recently? I just can’t STOP eating! And my stomach rumbles when I don’t! I’d eat more than I usually have in the morning, and half way through the morning – my stomach would rumble and I’d be hungry AGAIN! Anyone else had this? Also, is it true that you get more ‘gassy’ when you’re pregnant? I’ve been feeling the urge to burp a lot more recently, when I NEVER did this before. And trapped wind is also a large (and painful) problem.This normal?I’m 9 weeks by the way – so is all this stuff normal?Thanks everyone!Lisa.Rr xAlso, I think my bra’s are getting too small even at this stage. When I take them off they’re sore and I have a pink line down my areola where my bra has been. Time to go shopping me thinks!
A: hey lisa, congratulations on your pregnancy! i’m 34 weeks pregnant and while the days go by slow, the weeks have gone by fast! i found out i was pregnant at 5 or 6 weeks because my boobs were getting huge! i went to buy new bras and have since out grown them. i have no idea exactly how big yours will get but mine grew at the beginning of my pregnancy and are now growing again towards the end of my pregnancy. i know they are supposed to get bigger after the baby’s birth too. i don’t think i ever had the metal taste in my mouth but i know that blood tastes like iron…something to do with hemoglobintry eating small meals and snacks every few hours. get a box of granola bars for your car, keep some trail mix in your purse, and bring fresh fruit with you too! if your having morning sickness drink some hot chocolate or gatorade – both will help hydrate you and the sugar gets your energy going…burping is normal… gas from the other end is even more common. my mom always has to remind me that pregnancy affects everyone differently and whats normal for you is normal. so as long as its consistent its probably fine. also its good to know that most ob offices have someone on call 24/7 so you can call and ask any questions your having. good luck with your baby!
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