Does it mean she is probably not pregnant if a girl has her period after even if it is over 2 to 3 days later

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If she is got her period, then she is not pregnant. But she also may have some light spotting for a day or two at about the MORE? [ Source: ]
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Does it mean she is probably not pregnant if a girl has her perio…?
If she is got her period, then she is not pregnant. But she also may have some light spotting for a day or two at about the MORE?

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The father of my newborn baby plays favorites with his other kids. Should I be mad or am I over reacting? ?
Q: This is a very strange question. I dont know if my emotions are screwed up or what but here goes…My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. He has 2 children with his ex girlfriend. One is 8 and the other one is 3. We had a rocky beginning in our relationship with the mother of the 2 children. she would do things like try and keep the children from my bf and say she didnt want them around me and call me names and tell everyone that I “wouldnt let hims see his kids”. To make matters worse, his entire family hated me as well because they wanted “what was best for his kids” and that was to be with the ex GF. They wouldnt even speak to me if we saw eachother at the local grocery store. Two years later I fould out I was pregnant. All of a sudden the ex started pushing the children on my BF and was okay with them being around me. I was 100% fine with this ( 2 years of begging for them, showing up at soccer games and the kids no where to be found, thrown away gifts, and unanswered phone calls were getting old anyway). I honestly was actually happy and was beginning to think that FINALLY things were going to be normal.After our little girl was born she had to stay in the hospital for 3 months due her getting sick immediately after birth. Dr.s werent even sure she would make it. Every day I would leave the hospital empty handed after watching her lay there in a little crib under a lamp. Ever since the baby was born my BF started to be VERY defenssive over his other 2 children and would constantly remind me that they were going to “always be here and I needed to treat them fairly “. I dont know if anyone reading this has ever experienced almost loosing a child and/or being withough a child (a newborn baby at that) but its devestating, period. Being constant reminded that “my other kids need attention too”, starts to get annoying. He didnt bring it up out of the blue, only when I would be doing things that would relate with my child coming home (i.e. putting up pictures on the refrigerator). I didnt ever treat the kids badly (his little girl actually LOVED me and when she was over she would be with me constantly anyway). The fights were when the kids were away and the subject of kids was brought up. Well, thankfully, the nightmare had ended and the Dr.s told us that my baby girl was, finally, almost able to come home. Like any mother would I decided to get the spare room in our apatment ready. I was ESTATIC. My boyfriend came in, in the midst of my cleaning and I asked him if he would take the 2nd dresser to the dumpster or to a friend because the room was too small for 2 dressers (we put our old dresser in the room along with a dresser my mom had bought). Well of course, my bf starts freaking out and says that his kids will have no where to put there clothes and that I will never accept them and probably wont let them even come in the room. I mean, I really and truely would never treat any child like that. I am the 2nd oldest of 5 kids. I feel so confused I dont even know what to do. The past 3 months have literally been hell for me. I really feel like ending life at this point and the only thing that has stopped me is my daughter. Just having the thought that she MAY make it throusgh all of this. Now she has and all my BF can do is think about his other kids and getting them a second room (they obviously have rooms at their moms house). Should I break up with this man? He makes me feel like he could care less about how I feel and how OUR child is. I know this sounds so odd. I cant even believe it myself. Im too embaressed to tell any of my family members. I feel like he has joined sides with his ex and parents. Is it just me or is this not really unfair not only to me but for the baby I have brought into this world.
A: First off, you are not crazy.Second, communication needs to become priority number one.Sit him down and ask him where this weird behavior is coming from.Ask him why he assumes that you would treat his kids unfairly?Ask him why he appears to not care about the new baby?It appears as if someone has guilted him into a state of defensiveness.He is now “on guard” for his other kids.Perhaps the parents were persuaded by the ex and then (with their tainted perception) told him that he was not seeing your behavior toward his children. Now he is defensive because they made him think that you were intervening in his relationship with his kids.Nonetheless, this all needs to be discussed until a resolution is reached.If a resolution can not be reached, you will have some decisions to make.He needs to know that you have never treated his children with bias and that it is only natural for you to prepare for your child to come home & be sad when you are in fear of losing that child.Best wishes
What is going on here?? Plan B and possible pregnancy?
Q: Ok girls i am in a dilemma and i want to know your opinions.Me and my girlfriend had sex towards the end of october. The condom broke and everything had went in her. We had called her dr and asked what the options were, he had recomended this pill called the Plan B aka the morning after pill. After long discussing with him (as i am totally against abortion) he informed it was not abortion it was just like a birth control pill just a emergency contraceptive. So we got the pill and took it within 4 hours. Now on the site it says that if taken within 72 hours it works, but the sooner the better. If inside the 24 hour frame it is like 90 something percent effective i believe it said. Ok so heres where it gets confusing to me. She bled like 4 days after taking the pill, which we were told that is normal that it is just doing its job. She had her period on time after taking it and everything. So it seemed like everything was fine. Well the next month after taking the pill, she was about 10 days late for her period. We were really worried until she finally had it . We looked more into this and they said the plan B can mess up your cycle for up to 3 months after even taking it. BUt since then she had been having stomach pain and what not. I mean she is not do for her period as of this month yet for probably another week, but im just worried about the stomach pain. She went to the DR 2 weeks ago for her normal gynacologist testing and what not they did a preg test it was negative. But called her back the next day and said there was a trace of urinary tracht infection and that everything might not be perfectly accurate. So they set her up to go to a different doctor that could look into the pain. She went to that DR, and she told me that they did not even give her a preg test at this one, just did a vaginal exam and they thought the pain was coming from a Bursted cyst on her ovary. I always thought if they did an exam they could tell if your pregnant but maybe not? Anyways they have her set up for a ultra sound tomorrow to see if there is any cysts and what not that is causing it..My question for you ladies… If she has had her period, relatively normal since the time we took the plan B which is supposed to be 95 percent in the time frame we took it, is she pregnant. Do you think she is not. Just looking for girls that have had some what of an experience with this. She has had stomach pain for about a year to be honest and they could never figure it out. She had craps for awhile and everything. But we have not even been sexually active for over a month as i have been gone and i was just wondering what you guys think about all this. Could it be the cysts giving her the cramping and such?? Just looking for some good opinions guys and thanks
A: it soesnt sound like she is pregnant. yes cysts can cause her pain, its very common. the plan b pill does really mess things up for a while, making you think it could be pregnancy even if its not. chances are very goo d that its a cyct issue.they may be checking for polycystic ovovary disorder… having this can even make it hard to get pregnant.and yes a dr can tell by an exam if you are pregnant. when pregnant your cervix is closed. they can see that.
Hopeless or Hopeful ?
Q: Hi,To start off, i just want to say this is going to sound like a very depressing and probably very untrue situation, but it’s all true. I’ve had the worst luck I could have ever imagined in the last 4 months of my life.To start off, here is the basic background.I dated a boy for almost 3 years. We had some break ups in between from little fights but we always said we were both in it for the long haul. i truly loved him, and i still do.In December we had sex and the condom broke. We noticed right away so we didn’t think anything of it. A week or so later i was suppose to get my period and i didn’t. I took a test a week after that, it was positive. I went to the doctor and she confirmed i was pregnant. I had every intention of keeping the baby. I’m 18, and i realize it would be incredibly hard, but it was so difficult to want to get rid of it, knowing it was so much a part of me. However, i was afraid my boyfriend would flee. So i hid it from him, i was going to tell him when i started showing, but i ended up losing the baby 2 months into the pregnancy. Which hit me really hard. I still wake up some days hurting because it’s gone. So i finally told him, and he was upset, and confused and guess what, he suggested we break up. So we did. I don’t think i have ever cried so much. 2 weeks later i see his facebook being flooded with wall posts from this girl at a different school in the area. Naturually, I was a mess. Another few weeks passes, and I see they have begun dating. Then maybe a month later him and i start talking about everything. our past and futures, and i ask him about a rumor i heard. If he had sex with her. He says yes. I lose it.I started cutting, this wasn’t the first time though. I did it last year when we broke up and he dated someone in between. Another few weeks pass and i get a text message from him saying he misses me. I miss him too. We talk it all out and he apologizes for leaving me. Then he leaves her. We start seeing each other again, much to my parents dislike as well as most of my friends, but I do it anyway, because he means everything to me. Everything was going fine for a solid two or three weeks. Then i get another text message.”she’s pregnant”Again, i lose my mind. I utterly felt like the world was constantly crapping on me. I couldn’t catch a break. Not even once. So of course, he leaves me and goes back to her. In all fairness i told him too. I knew he needed to be with her, im not that terrible of a person to try to keep him from something like that. So i lost him yet again. This was about a month ago now.Three days ago he texts me again, this time saying”It’s gone”in which my response was:”what?”and his was”She lost it”Now not to sound like a heartless monster, but this made me happy. I hoped with every piece of my heart that he would come back to me, and realize that he wasn’t happy with her. But it seems that he plans to stay with her. So im stuck here, trying to cope. And im out of ideas. I can’t stop crying over this whole thing. I feel like there’s no point to anything anymore simply because i lost him.Which im sure sounds like stupid teenage love, but it’s not. It’s more than love. It’s a feeling i haven’t ever experience with someone other than him. He is honestly my everything. So now im stuck. I’ve backed myself into a wall. What should I do?Should i tell him that i miss him and want him back?Should i let him be with her and hope he realizes how much i love him, and how that love can never be met by someone else?Or should i utterly just give up and do my best, with every bone in my body, to move on?I just don’t know anymore.
A: Too long, did not read.
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