How big is that chance

Health related question in topics Style Beauty Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “How big is that chance”,you can compare them.

There is about a 1 percent chance of getting pregnant just fooling around. If you have intercourse without protection, it goes up. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How big is that chance
How big of a chance?
There is no chance for you to die directly from smoking pot. There is a chance that smoking cigarettes can lead to cancer, respiratory problems, etc. If you mean instantly or within a close time period, there is no chance to die immediately…
Am I pregnant? Could I be pregnant? How big of a chance could I b…?
It is very possilbe. A pregnancy test will never tell you that you are pregnant if you aren’t but it’s not uncommon for someone to be pregnant and the test come up negative. You could take another pregnancy test or just see your doctor. Goo…
Is the Iron Man Match John Cena’s big chance?
before i talk about the orton vs cena ironman match ive got to say i was really impressed by cena in is match with hbk he got out the and did a great performance sure hbk helped cena along the way but it wasnt to the full extent of the matc…

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How big a chance that a maine coon/tabby kitten will have Feline hip dysplasia or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
Q: i’m planning on adopting a kitten that is maine coon/tabby. Is there a big chance that she will have any of those diseases? How about a maine coon/Dilute Tortoiseshell? Thanks!!!What treatments are there for these diseases?
A: All right, I saw your other question, and now you are worried about those problems.But from your choices, you are not getting a pedigreed kitty, so that means a blend of many different breeds, of which Maine C**n may be the major one.Sometimes a shelter will tag a kitty as a Maine C**n from the look, not because it is all Maine C**n. And tabby means a regular domestic kitty of mixed background, and tortioseshell is simply a color pattern.If I were you, select the kitty that pulls at your heart, and don’t stay awake at night worrying about the issue, as with a mixed breed cat, it is very unlikely.Hypertropic cardiomyopathy hits Maine C**ns and Ragdolls more than others, but really, the numbers are not high anyway. You can get the problem from a rescued shelter kitty also.And hip dysplasia is usually the result of a breeder who is not using common sense, and is doing inbreeding and that is not your situation.
How many eggs of a normal woman have a big chance for becoming a human embryo?
Q: I want to know how many eggs from a woman that have a big chance for getting pregnant after conceive. I am pregnant now, but I have this question because my friend had trying to conceive. Is it only one egg sould be enough for being fertile or more than 20 eggs? Thank you.
A: in a normal woman, she only releases 1 egg. so she has about a 20% chance of gettting pregnant each month, but i see people getting pregnant like crazy, i find those statistics hard to believe.
How big is the chance that I am pregnant?
Q: I had unprotected sex on 22 april and according to my schedule I had my ovulation on 24 april. I there I big chance I might be pregnant. I have been feeling tired and nausea for 2 days now.My menstruation should start 8 may (I have a 28 day cycle). @ Patty J. There is a reason why this question is post under TRYING TO CONCEIVE!
A: HUGE chance… sperm can live in your body for up to 7 days!! Did you know that? Cause I didn’t till I looked it up. If the sperm has a good Ph balance to live in up there, it can live longer. Usually sperm dies from 24-72 hours after ejaculation, but like i said before, has been known to survive up to 7 whole days!!
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