How can a man avoid getting a woman pregnant without condoms or birth control

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How can a man avoid getting a woman pregnant without condoms or birth control”,you can compare them.

Abstinence is always the best way, but she could always were the patch! cha cha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can a man avoid getting a woman pregnant without condoms or birth control
How can a man avoid getting a woman pregnant without condoms or b…?
Abstinence is always the best way, but she could always were the patch! cha cha

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do you think about punishing pregnant soldiers?
Q: I just read this short article that caught my attention when logging on to check my email:|main|dl4|link3| Personally, I don’t have a problem with enforcing something liek this. I agree with the quote at the end, that they have “a finite number of soldiers with which to do it and [they] need every one of them. So take every measure [you] can to keep them all strong.”It’s one thing for a woman who’s a secretary at a base in America and they plan to/can hold that job for 10 years…someplace where it’s okay and expected for families to live and expand. But when you’re overseas in the middle of a war, you’re on the job 24 hours a day. Having sex while on deployment is like messing around in the janitors closet in an office job. Security guards playing solitaire or poker while waiting for someone to walk in the door is one thing, but having sex while hiding in the back room is far too distracting…and the same applies for soldiers.I still don’t believe that anybody in the world “can’t live without sex”. If you can’t, you’re not strong enough to be in the army in the first place…I certainly don’t feel comfortable with weak souls like that ‘defending’ my country. And think about the husbands and wives at home being cheated on because their sucker spouses can’t settle with jacking off to a picture of them! And here’s another good reason to doubt these people protecting us…if they DO have sex on the job…they aren’t even smart enough to use condoms or birth control! What’s your opinion? Do you think it should be punishable? How? Just pregnancy, or sex altogether? How do you think the men/fathers can be identified and how should they be punished?**Note: This article is talking about getting pregnant WHILE overseas. This is not the issue about getting pregnant while at home to avoid being sent overseas…although I think they should be dropped instantly as well…including the men!
A: Unfortunately, we do have lot of these “weak” souls in the military right now due to the relaxed standards that the military set not too long ago.
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