How can I get pregnant but still be a man

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I get pregnant but still be a man”,you can compare them.

You can’t get pregnant if you are a man, sorry to tell you that. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I get pregnant but still be a man
How can I get pregnant but still be a man
You can’t get pregnant if you are a man, sorry to tell you that.
Can a woman on birthcontrol still get pregnant if a man ejaculate…?
There is no such thing as a 100% certainty that a woman on birth control medication will not get pregnant. there are things that can go wrong. However it is very unlikely.
Can you still get pregnant if the man has a vasectomy??
A vasectomy is virtually guaranteed to stop you falling pregnant. But there have been cases where men have become fertile again after the precedure and therefore they are urged to retest themselves every couple of years. Fortunately these c…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why are people sensationalizing the story a man is pregnant?
Q: there is no way a man can be pregnant. unless he was once a woman that stil gets a period and still has a vagina and produces estrogen. men cannot have babies. there is no hole to push the baby out of, what the anus?seriously. i don’t understand how people sensationalize this story. when its not even a man, but a transgendered person.
A: it’s really stupid. she is biologically a woman. she hasn’t even had a sex change! she still has a uterus and ovaries and a vagina!that’s a woman!mentally she feels she’s a man.ok i can deal with that.physically she LOOKS like a man.i can deal with that.but she is BIOLOGICALLY a WOMAN.only WOMEN can have children.the news needs someone to slap them on the head and go DUH.
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