How can i make sure i get pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i make sure i get pregnant”,you can compare them.

The best you can do is increase your chances of conceiving and leave the rest up to nature. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i make sure i get pregnant
How can i make sure i won’t get pregnant?
Try this . . . Provoke a period when you are due, it can even work if you are a bit late. You can do this by using Vitamin C. Take 6-12 grams of ascorbic acid – vitamin C a day for 5-10 days. Specifically ascorbic acid. Do not use vitamin C…
How to make sure I dont get pregnant?
If there will be any semen released keep your pants on. I know it is old fashioned but consider saving sex for marriage. You will be so glad you did. GOOD LUCK.
Is there something I can take after having sex to make sure I don…?
Hi, Yes there is. You can take the morning after pill. The morning after pill must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. Side effects of the morning after pill include: ・ Vaginal bleeding or light period bleeding ・ Abdominal…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can you make sure you’re not pregnant?
Q: I had sex a week or so before i should be getting my period (within the same month). The condom leaked, so I was wondering, even if I was pregnant, would I still get this months period, but not the next’s? Or would I not even get this one? And if I do get this month’s period, does that mean I am for sure not pregnant?
A: If you got pregnant you would not get your next period. You cannot get your period when you’re pregnant. You can however have bleeding such as implantation bleeding or break through bleeding that can be mistaken for a period. All you can do is wait and take a test.
My friends a 13 year old WHORE!?
Q: Shes my bestfriend, and that wont change. However she dates a 16 year and shes 13;she already had sex with him, and more than once. When ever she talks about looking good for him, or explicit things like that, i just say okay, or EWH! She thinks if she had sex with him once, and she didnt get pregnant, its fine to keep doing, and no shes on birth control. She trusts him, and will do anything to stay with him, sometimes i wonder if her will make her do something she doesnt want to do. Luckily shes moving to north of him, However since shes moving with her dad, and her parents arent together, she will still get to see him, since her mom lives close by. Her dad, dislikes him, though, he hasnt done anything to stop her from seeing him since hes drunk most of the time. Her mom allows him to go to her house, and vise versa, im not sure but her mom might know she has sex with him.Whats your thoughts,opinions?How can i make her stop?Thanks!Eh..she says when shes older shes going to move out of state, have kids, ect.I think in the back of my mind,yeah, if you dont get pregnant.
A: it’s her life, you can’t do much.let her make her own mistakes.
how can you make sure you dont get pregnant?
Q: of course using protection would be a solution.but ive had alot of friends and heard alot of stories about howthey used a condom and everything yet they got pregnant!this CANNOT happen to me. how can you make sure your completely protected? i know theres birth control.. but i dont have the money and im not going to talk to my mom about it. i REFUSE.are there any secrets? tips? tricks? ANYTHING?!please help!
A: birth control + condoms + spermicide + plan B if you somethign slips up! i’m sure your mother would rather take you for birth control than take you to the maternity floor to deliver a baby! DONT HAVE SEX UNTIL YOU ARE READY FOR A BABY NOTHING is 100%
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