How can you tell if you’re pregnant from your pee

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The hormone HCG will show up in urine if a woman is pregnant. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if you’re pregnant from your pee
How many times a day go you pee when you’re pregnant?’re-pregnant
How many times someone urinates varies based on the person and how much they drink. ChaCha on!
Does it hurt to pee if you’re pregnant?’re_pregnant
No it shouldn’t hurt. painful wee can sometimes be caused by cystitis. Drinking cranberry juice and foods rich in vitamin c can help cure it.
Why do you pee a lot when you’re pregnant?
The pressure on your bladder in later trimesters. In the first trimester I think it’s all the extra blood flow to that area. You have to watch out for UTI’s!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

For everyone wondering “Could I be pregnant”?
Q: If you are having sex, there is a chance your pregnant. Many common signs of pregnancy are exactly the sam or similar to other things. For example, cramping, swollen and tender breasts, aches and pains and moodiness are all symptoms or PMS, so you could be pregnant, or just getting your period soon. Nausea, dizziness, aches and pains, disorientation, are all symptoms of the flu, as well as early pregnancy signs. And a missed period does not guarantee pregnancy, nor does it expel the possibility of pregnancy. It’s common for event he most regular of women to miss a period every once in a while and not be pregnant. I post this because I can’t tell you how many of the same questions I’ve answered. I understand you are nervous, or excited. But listen, the people on Yahoo Answers are not your doctor. Most of them are not qualfied medical professionals. The responses you get may ease your nerves or make them worse but please, for your sake and the baby’s… go see a doctor. If you don’t have a doctor, get one. If you can’t afford the co-pay, buy an over the counter pregnancy test. Below is a link to a website that compares the effectives and accuracy of the “one-step” pregancy tests. also that when taking these tests, hCG is a hormone your body produces when you become pregnant. And these tests find that hormone in your urine stream. If you get a negative, you may still be pregnant. Sometimes the test is defective, sometimes it is too early into the pregnancy to tell. From what I understand, the longer the time since moment of conception (when sperm meets egg), the more of the hormone in your body. Hence it’s much more accurate to use the “pee tests” when you’re already 3 or 4 weeks late for your period. I really hope this helps people find what they are looking for.I’m not trying to condemn people asking this question, please don’t misunderstand me! I know asking for an experienced answer can sometimes be more appealing. I’m just hoping to put out what unbiased information I know out there, and trying to be as honest as possible. I’m trying to help, not hurt. 🙁
A: Wow, you are a freaken sweety! Seriously, most people are like take a test, but you actually were informative. Thanks hun. God bless.
For everyone wondering “Could I Be Pregnant?”?
Q: If you are having sex, there is a chance your pregnant. Many common signs of pregnancy are exactly the sam or similar to other things. For example, cramping, swollen and tender breasts, aches and pains and moodiness are all symptoms or PMS, so you could be pregnant, or just getting your period soon. Nausea, dizziness, aches and pains, disorientation, are all symptoms of the flu, as well as early pregnancy signs. And a missed period does not guarantee pregnancy, nor does it expel the possibility of pregnancy. It’s common for event he most regular of women to miss a period every once in a while and not be pregnant.I post this because I can’t tell you how many of the same questions I’ve answered. I understand you are nervous, or excited. But listen, the people on Yahoo Answers are not your doctor. Most of them are not qualfied medical professionals. The responses you get may ease your nerves or make them worse but please, for your sake and the baby’s… go see a doctor. If you don’t have a doctor, get one. If you can’t afford the co-pay, buy an over the counter pregnancy test. Below is a link to a website that compares the effectives and accuracy of the “one-step” pregancy tests.…Understand also that when taking these tests, hCG is a hormone your body produces when you become pregnant. And these tests find that hormone in your urine stream. If you get a negative, you may still be pregnant. Sometimes the test is defective, sometimes it is too early into the pregnancy to tell. From what I understand, the longer the time since moment of conception (when sperm meets egg), the more of the hormone in your body. Hence it’s much more accurate to use the “pee tests” when you’re already 3 or 4 weeks late for your period.I really hope this helps people find what they are looking for.
A: I believe that makes you the 1,000,001th person to say this. Unfortunately, your post is not going to change much. Nobody will search for it, before posting their questions…and even those who know all of this will still post, looking for the opinions of a bunch of random strangers.
How do I deal with constant negativity from my mom and sister during my pregnancy?
Q: I am basically an already stressed out person & im only 16 . Way before I got pregnant Ive always been this way . I also have anger mangement problems (I can’t control myself)Im the child that my mom likes to pick on .and now that Im pregnant it has gotten worse .( but I was expecting that)Anyways My mom keeps saying stuff like about the baby’s father & I sware on my life he is the most sweetest guy on this planet . Hes already stopped smoking , and is getting two Jobs just to support us both . He really wants this child . We both are trying are best and we know we have alot of growing up to do .Ive even gone out and have bought all kinds of healthy food and went the library for pregnancy books …Im really trying not to let my anger get to me at this point either .Im trying to do my absolute best .Besides the point .. Everyday my mom keeps saying stuff like you could have a miscarriage , are you sure you don’t want an abortion , she yells at me all the time . & im already really tired and have cramps because im only 5 or 6 weeks .When we were at the doctors office she screaming at the top of her lungs at me because I could not go pee and we got a blood test anyways . The worst part is we might have to move and my mom laughs and says if we move you’re coming with us ..there’s nothing you can do about it . I understand that but she laughs about it . I never said I wanted to move out she’s afraid ill leave because Me and him love each other very much and he wants to help raise his child and be thier every step of the way . He never grew up with a dad and his mom just died in April in her early 30’s . Hes already having a ruff time and she’s trying to take me away from him . My mom keeps saying you guys aren’t even going to be together when your 18 . I told my boyfriend what my mom keeps saying and hes says I love you now . Ill love you two years from now, 10 years from now even 50 years from now .if I seriously didn’t belive my boyfriend wasn’t going to be thier for me I would be giving our child up for adoption , But I have absolutley nothing to worry about . His whole family is supporting us . His aunt is going to babysit when I go to school after the child is born and his grandmother and grandfather absoulutley love me . I love him so much and I belive we will actually get married . Not be like single parent teenage mom . I already know what everyone thinks .Now about my 14 year old sister . She just found out two days ago . & yesterday she was telling me that she is going to punch and hit on me .I was like whats your problem you cant be doing that . Im pregnant and she said she is going to beat me up ? wow ( She’s doing this because , she knows I will not fight back .) She’s also like why dont you get rid of “it” . Or stuff like your body is not made for this ..or people die from giving birth . She keeps just being really mean to me even when im trying to be nice to her . (one more thing – my mom keeps asking me if my boyfriend is the father and it really hurts me becuase he’s the only one I been with and my mom knows this . I dont know if she’s trying to hurt my feelings or what )Im sure this thing is going to be alot worse but I dont want to get to stressed out , because I heard you can miscarry because of that . What else Can I do ? I try to ignore them but they keep gettin up in my face .My mom wont let me give it up for adoption , she said if I did that she would adopt it herself . Thank you ,I already know you said he is going to leave . Im not scared at all . Ive seen it happen before to my friend ive seen movies . I dont belive at all he would ever leave me and that’s not even what this is about
A: Wow, you really are getting the treatment, aren’t you? Obviously, your mom is disappointed in you and the situation, but sooner or later, she’s going to have to figure out a way to live with it. Or not. Given that your sister has started to get in on the act (and believe me, she’s acting this way because your mother permits it), if I were you, I’d be thinking seriously about becoming emancipated, getting married and moving in with your boyfriend. Who needs this cr@p!
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