How could I break it to my parents that I’m pregnant

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Choose a time when you will have complete privacy with your parents, as well as their attention, tell them to let you talk.ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How could I break it to my parents that I’m pregnant
How could I break it to my parents that I’m pregnant’m-pregnant
Choose a time when you will have complete privacy with your parents, as well as their attention, tell them to let you talk.ChaCha!
How to break to your parents you are pregnant??
Well I was in my junior year of high school when I found out I was pregnant and had him my senior year. Than with my second I was in my first year (I had a miscarriage). The third I was a year and a half of college when I became pregnant ag…
How do i break it too my parents i am pregnant??
I thought that you were going to say that you were 15 or something. Well its a start that your 27. I think that you are old enough to make your own decisions. Are you at all dependent on your parents? You need to first tell your friend t…

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My boyfriend and I had sex, I keep thinking I’m pregnant…is it possible that I could be? Please help!?
Q: Wednesday, my boyfriend and I had protected sex. I am 14 years old, and I know I am young…so please don’t be calling me slut and stuff okay? He had a condom on, but the problem was, he put it on wrong. I don’t know HOW he put it on wrong, I just know he did, in the middle of sex, the condom broke, we heard it make a pop noise, so we stopped and he took it off. So we went back to his house. All my friends told me about how you bleed when you have sex, well I didn’t. Anywho, he fingered me and went realllll deep, and I then started bleeding, idk if I’m pregnant, I DON’T THINK I SHOULD BE. I mean he did have the condom on, and as SOON as he heard it pop, he took it out of me and off, and we stopped, and plus he didn’t cum, and the condom had spermicides in it. But yeah idk, I might just be overreacting, but I’ve just been so scared that I’m pregnant idk why. Does anyone think that it may be possible that I could be pregnant? I haven’t got my period yet, or I don’t think so anyway, it’s supposed to be soon. But I am bleeding, but it’s not a lot like it usually is, so it’s kind of scaring me please, someone help me, I AM FREAKING OUT. And don’t tell me to tell my parents, CAUSE THEY’LL MAKE US BREAK UP AN DI REALLY LOVE HIM AND WE’VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR A YEAR AND A MONTH. So pleaseee help. I am freakinggg outtt!!and it blocked out the word, so my boyfriend didn’t come.
A: Okay, calm down. Stress is known for delaying your period so just relax. If there was a pop noise, I am guessing your boyfriend did not hold the tip of the condom before putting it on (not squeezing the tip causes an air bubble and thus, “pops” the condom). If your boyfriend did not ejaculate, it seems pretty safe that you are not pregnant, however, this is not certain. Also, bleeding after having sex for the first time is normal, it will stop soon, no worries. If you know your period is coming soon, just wait. If you get your period then you no longer need to worry. Also, teach your boyfriend how to put on a condom properly if are going to continue having sex.
19 and scared to tell my parents i’m pregnant?
Q: My mum wanted me to have kids when i’m like 27. Plainly because thats when she had me. I Love my parents, but i feel like i’m going to disapoint them if i tell them. Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years, and they like him, even though they think hes a bit odd because hes shy. He never wants to say or do anything wrong incase he offends them. Well too late now isn’t it.We’re so excited about the baby but i’m terrified to tell my parents, Hes the same age as his mum when she had him, so he’s not really bothered about telling his parents. Plus he hadly sees his dad so it will probably just be a letter or phone call. I want to tell my parents after my scan on June 1st, just so i know everything is okay. My mother lost a child before she had me. Also my grandmother only died 2 months ago, and my sister told my mum she wanted to leave college and it really upset her, so i’m dreading her reaction to this. My dad always says to my younger sister that he’ll chop her boyfriends ‘bits’ (as he calls them) off if she got pregnant, but he has stopped saying it to me. Though when i hint and look at baby clothes, he says we don’t want any of those for a long time. Me and my boyfriend lived together but now we both live with our respective parents after he lost his job and we couldn’t pay the rent on a privatly owned house. We’re filling out applications for council housing, though there are only about 6 in the entire area spare atm. Though, being pregnant i should get priority. So that is sorted. My boyfriend is sorting out a loan to get all the house decorated and furshed and everything possibly needed for the new baby. So thats all sorted. Its just telling my parents thats scaring me. I don’t know what to to, i can’t sit down with them because i don’t want to see my mother cry again, it breaks my heart. How else could i tell them the news?Should i write a letter? I’m stuck, i would really appreciate your help on this.Thank youxxxIgnore the dodgy spelling half way through, i got distracted by my cat climbing on me XDI’m about 3 months, getting proper dates on the 1st at my scan. & yeah i am, as well as extra iron because i’m anemic
A: I think when you get your first ultrasound done you should how her, wait til you find the sex of the baby, and happily tell her that you are expecting. My mom was mad when i told her but when my son came into the world she was very happy.A baby brings lots of joy
I’m a young teen if I’m pregnant how should I tell my parents?
Q: I added a question earlier asking if I could be pregnant, I have more to add to that. I am 15, my period is always every 20-25 days. It has been about 29-30. I was sexually active one time that will be two weeks tomorrow. We did use protection, but it broke. I am having all the symptoms of being on my period since sunday: cramping, bloating, fatigue, and bad pains down low. Does anyone have any tips about any of this? Please I need help I am freaking out and dont know what to do.
A: Well, if you think you are pregnant, you need to sit your parents down and tell them you need to have a serious talk.sure, they may be angry at first, but they have been through this before, they know what to do, what doctors to see, and they will immensely help you out through the process, at least better than if you were trying to hide it. They WILL find out eventually.
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