How do i write the letter telling them i am pregnant

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Keep it simple. You can always ask a school counselor for help. Good luck! ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do i write the letter telling them i am pregnant
What would be a letter you wrote to your boyfriend saying telling…?
It would be best to tell him face to face so he can feel what you feel and you can get his true emotions. I did the letter thing. I was 17 when I got pregnant with my daughter. I haven’t seen her father since she was 1 and she’s now 8. He s…

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How should I write a letter to my apartment complex property owners about issues with management team?
Q: This is long but I need some help…Last week our property managers left the sprinkler system on and it was below freezing out. I went out to start up my car in the morning before work. I ended up slipping on the completely frozen ground. There was a sheet of ice from about 3 feet from my front door, on the entire sidewalk and in the parking lot. I did not know the sprinkler system was on until after falling and my boyfriend told me he heard it go on early in the morning. When I fell I ended up with a concussion, whiplash a very sore back and tailbone. Not to mention I’m pregnant. I’ve spoken with a lawyer who said I have a very good case due to the apartment managements’ negligence. I do not want to sue though. My boyfriend called and left three messages on the day this happened. None of which were returned. We did however see the maintenance man outside putting down salt after the first message and then after the second message the other maintenance man was outside of our apartment looking around. He was actually down on the ground looking.The next day my boyfriend received a call from the property manager who lied and said she was not informed of the messages until that day. The conversation between the two of them proved that she was unsure of what to do and apologized for the fall. He asked her to call me if she were really sorry and she refused. She said that was not her responsibility, but that she would report the incident. I have not yet heard from the property manager or the owners of the property. I’m very upset that I have not received an apology for their mistake or have even been asked how I am feeling or if the baby is ok. I want to write a letter telling them I feel they have been very unprofessional and I also want a statement from me on record. I went to both my family dr and obgyn to make sure me and the baby were ok. I now have to go to physical therapy and I’m paying for all this. I was forced to lose 4 days of work and I’m also a student teacher and I had to lose a day for that.How should I explain myself in my letter? I don’t want to seem angry or pushy-but I do want to get my point across. I tend to sound mean when upset and want to avoid that. I’d rather make them feel bad for this mistake they’ve made than to make them mad to the point where they give us a hard time about everything until we move out in June.Thanks!
A: You DO need to press this. Otherwise, they will not confront thier mistakes. You should be unemotional, unconfrontational and polite. Spell out the circumstances, and if you really don’t want to sue, then ASK that they pay your medical bills IN LIEU OF legal action. This is the right thing to do. You might have been seriously harmed from the fall, and your unborn child might also have been seriously harmed. They were clearly in the wrong, as they have admitted to being. So don’t hesitate. Just don’t be mean about it. You have rights that should be pursued, and you can say that this is the only reason you are doing this, and to have your medical bills taken care of.
How/when should I tell my parents I’m pregnant?
Q: This may seem silly since I am a happily married woman who is 20 wks pregnant with #4 but I would like some advice on how to tell my parents. When I was pregnant with # 3, I told my mother over the phone and she was horrible-said “if I want to be white trash”, “sometimes abortion isn’t a bad thing”,etc,etc. She finally came around and apologized but the hurt she caused me will never completely go away. This past summer she has been hounding me that she hopes I don’t get pregnant again soon, etc so I expect her to be very negative again when I tell her. I just don’t get why she is so concerned with how many kids/how close together I have them-we are not asking them to raise or pay for them. It’s our family and we are very happy with it. So I could use some advice on how to tell them -I definitely won’t do it over the phone this time, I could write them a letter , or tell them when I see them in early Dec. Thanks in advance. This is causing unnecessary stress.
A: Don’t tell them. They will figure it out sooner or later. Why are you so worried about what they think anyway? They are not paying your bills.
I am 16 almost 17 and my gf is 15 turning 16 in 2 days and I got her pregnant. How do I tell my parents.?
Q: I am very nervous. I think I am going to tell them Im going to my cousins to stay the night and before I leave I think I should write a long letter saying tht she is pregnant and im going to get a job very soon and take care of it and when I leave Ima call and tell them where the letter is and to read it. Is that a good idea or no. Im kinda scared.
A: so ur gonna run away from telling ur parents that u got a girl pregnant? that’s really manly…. NOT! be a man and face ur parents, tell them that u got ur girlfriend pregnant. they may or may not get mad at u, but they will still love u
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