How do you know if your birth control has failed

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you know if your birth control has failed”,you can compare them.

You will have to take a pregnancy test about 5 days before your next schedule menstrual cycle. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know if your birth control has failed
The first sign of failed birth control is a late period. If your period is late you should take a pregnancy test right away.
・ 1 Check the condom for obvious breaks or tears. If you see any, your birth control may have failed. You… ・ 2 See if you are on the correct day of your birth control pack and have not missed any pills. The Mayo… ・ 3 Check your patch, r…
It is usually not the birth control that fails, it is the person taking the bc that fails. I think they might mean if a condom breaks and there is a good chance some of the sperm got in the vagina.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you know if your birth control has failed?
Q: So I was watching a commercial for a product called Plan B and in the commercial it says, “The morning after your birth control fails you might think you are alone. Plan B is emergency contraception that helps prevent pregnancy after birth control failure or unprotected sex.” How would you know the night after having unprotected sex that your birth control has failed you?
A: Lol, I thought this exam same thing today!!!!!! With the same commercial. I’m guessing if you missed a pill or the condom broke but those are just guesses.
Teens: How do you know if you birth control fails?
Q: in that plan b one step thing, it says the morning after your birth control fails, how the hell do you know if it fails unless you take a test like later down the road. GRR that has been bothering me(please exuse my immature GRR, im verry pissed today)ooo that makes sence, i know you would become pregnant, but the 72 hours later you wouldn’t know
A: By birth control fails they mean something like:-You forgot to take a birth control pill-The condom broke-You forgot to use a condom
I have a question about birth control.?
Q: I am 16 years old. Im not using birth control or plan on having sex! and My mom has passed away so I don’t have anyone to go to for these questions.. But Im sure most people have seen the “plan B” commercial, what do they mean “if your birth control fails” ??? do they mean if you don’t take it?? Im wondering how you know when it fails! (I don’t mean if u turn out pregnant)
A: everyone who answered the question before are idiots because it that your body is rejecting the pill and it wont work i would recommend asking a doctor about the pill before having sex.
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