How is the only way you can get pregnant

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The only natural way to get pregnant is for a male and female to have intercourse. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is the only way you can get pregnant
Is sex the only way to get pregnant?
No you can’t get pregnant from using a towel a male has used. About 16 days after the last time she had sex she can use a home pregnancy test and see if she is pregnant. Your not pregnant stop worrying
Is intercourse the only way to get pregnant?
No, if any semen gets in there u can get pregnant For example if he had semen on his hands and then fingered you, you might get pregnant, Simplest way to put it lol, but if his hands were clean then you have nothing to worry about X
Is having sex the only way you can get pregnant?
Yes, you can get pregnant without penetration. I know a girl this happened to. Sperm just has to get on the vaginal canal.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is sex the only way to get pregnant?
Q: Okay I really worry alot about this even when everyone say that it is impossible. I never had sex okay? Now here’s my real question including the one i used as subject. If you were to use the same towel as your brother or another man in the house would you get pregnant? 0-0 It was an accident when I used the towel because I have two towels hanging and I don’t know whos was whos so I just grabbed one and used it. By the way, another question is after 2 people have sex, how many days does it take for the woman to know that they are pregnant? Will the woman have at least 1 sign that will tell them that they are pregnant? And no i did not miss my period. In fact, it came early but I still can’t stop worrying. Any anwers would be great.
A: No you can’t get pregnant from using a towel a male has used.About 16 days after the last time she had sex she can use a home pregnancy test and see if she is pregnant.Your not pregnant stop worrying
The only way to get pregnant while on the pill is if your body somehow ovulates… correct?
Q: I just thought of something after I wrote a question about my extreme paranoia of getting pregnant even while on the pill. When people get pregnant while on the pill, that means that somehow their body ovulated, right?I just read something about tests to see if you have ovulated or not. They are supposed to help with getting pregnant but maybe they can help with not getting pregnant too.My idea is this: I test myself every day to see if I ovulated or not. If I never ovulate, then there is zero chance of getting pregnant, correct?Also, how do you even use an ovulation tester and are they accurate?
A: I would agree with your theory. But if you are that paranoid about getting pregnant maybe you should talk to your doctor about an even better method of birth control than the pill. Sometimes a pill can be missed, or you can take an antibiotic and it can make the pill ineffective. Or sometimes there is that small chance that you could get pregnant.Ways that you can increase your chances of not getting pregnant would be to use a back up method everytime, like a condom or spermacide.But really I would talk to your doctor about your fears because I know there are more assuring methods of birth control like the depo shot.I would suggest the Mirena IUD, but if you haven’t had a child they most likely won’t give it to you.
What are the Only ways to get pregnant?How long can sperm live?Can sperm be washed off or wiped off?
Q: Yes, I have a phobia. I NEVER had sex but I have masturbated myself. I just want to know, Am I pregnant? because I am really worried and I am NOT ready for a baby. I CANNOT get a test because of PRIVACY ISSUES and I just really want to know if you can get pregnant by fingering yourself.Please answer with honest answers because I really want to know the truth. Thank you
A: I really don’t think that you will get pregnant because you need sperm to get inside the sex cell in order to get pregnant. But to make sure, research signs of pregnancy and discover if you (in the future) have them.
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