If I am sick in the mornings am I pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “If I am sick in the mornings am I pregnant”,you can compare them.

Morning sickness happens between 2-8 weeks after conception. If you are having cramping, you’ll probably start your period soon. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-i-am-sick-in-the-mornings-am-i-pregnant ]
More Answers to “If I am sick in the mornings am I pregnant
How long does morning sickness and nausea last in pregnant women??
The morning sickness and nausea is different for every pregnant woman. They each have different reactions to the things around them. The morning sickness and nausea they experience can be determined by what they eat, or certain smells can t…
How soon do you get morning sickness after becoming pregnant??
This information is from health care professionals and groups such as Mayo Clinic, and should be used as a point of reference or as a generality, because each pregnancy is unique: Morning sickness is a symptom some women feel during early p…
Why do you feel sick in the morning when you are not pregnant??
these waves of nausia often happen in the mornings when your blood sugar levels are low.tiriedness also causes nausia,and having a empty stomach.to help have small frequent snacks.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why would I feel sick in the mornings? NOT pregnant..?
Q: ok so i am not pregnant, but i have begin to feel really sick in the mornings. Last year this happened after Christmas and most morning I was actually sick… I went to my doctor- he didn’t know what it was, he just told me to drink ginger beer, but then after about 2 months it just went away. Now I have moved house so do you think it is worth going to my new doctors to see if they know what it is? Does anyone have any suggestions as to what it could be? Feeling sick is the only symptom, and it goes away around mid-morning. Thanks x
A: Sinus drainage into an empty stomach can cause this problem. This can be caused by allergies you didn’t know you had and that’s why it’s only for a little while. Get something to drink in the morning when you get up an maybe nibble on some toast right away.
Feel sick in the mornings?! not pregnant…plz help?!?!?
Q: ok..so im not pregnant..i had a blood test done at the hospital saying i wasnt pregnant..so no im not lol. not a possibility. so every morning i wake up i feel really shitty..like i have no appetite, yet im hungry…and i feel naucious..(idk how to spell it lol) and i smoke weed..and the only way i AM able to eat is if i get high first…which sucks cuz i dont always wanna be high to eat lol. whats wrong with me?! anyone help?!im not trying to lose weight…im skinny. i just dont know whats wrong???
A: Depressed, or very stressed, Relax.
I am 10 weeks pregnant and I have been sick every moment of it, not morning sick, like colds. HELP!!!!!?
Q: I have had colds, strep, larengitis, farengitis, the flu, double ear infections, sore throat, and many many sleepless nights. On top of that, I have terrible morning sickness and I’ve lost about 60 pounds, the doctor is worried but says there isn’t anything I can do. I HAVE been taking all my prenatals and all vitamins.I am allergic to almost ALL medicine and even if I wasn’t I can’t take ANYTHING! I’m frustrated enough to cry now and I don’t want to lose another baby, it’s very difficult for me to get pregnant.I need anything to help me keep from getting sick and to help me through the Farengitis I have now, anything like kinds of tea, ways to keep my throat clean besides brushing (believe me it’s not the brushing) ANYTHING. Please tell me anything that will help, I am at the end of my rope and cannot take getting sick one more time after this.My husband is away in Iraq and cannot offer the support I need, please, please, PLEASE, any help is greatly appreciated!!!!!!Thank You
A: Wow, I feel the exact same way. Lately I’ve just been so out of it and my husband is suffering through this with me because I’m always complaining of how sick I am. I’m also 10 weeks pregnant like you…..I really don’t know what to tell you that could help. I actually got online looking for answers to a question just like yours and here I am answering yours! I’m just gonna say for you to hang in there because sooner or later it all has to go away. Just try to get as much rest as you can get and it’ll all be over soon.
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