Is it bad to eat seafood when your pregnant

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While seafood should be included in the diet, pregnant women are to eat no more than 12 ounces a week due to mercury levels. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to eat seafood when your pregnant
Is eating seafood bad while pregnant?
i just found this helpful info: 1. DON’T eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury. 2. DO eat up to 12 ounces (2 to 3 meals) of other purchased fish and shellfish a week. Five of the most co…
Is eating seafood bad during pregnancy?
No its not. Though it does depend on the type of seafood and how much you eat. The reason why is because big game fish like, shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish, because these fish contain high levels of Mercury which in pregnant w…
Can i eat seafood while pregnant?
NEVER eat seafood while you are expecting. Check with your doctor but it is always a bad idea in case of bacteria that can harm the baby.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When are children aloud to start eating seafood?
Q: my son is one year old, and i still havent let him have any seafood. I Heard that its bad to eat it while your pregnant and they obviously cannot have it when they are really really young, so i was wonderring when they can start havin it…
A: My son is 19 months old. I never asked or read anything about when they can have seafood, but I started give tuna at 12 months. Not much… just whenever I’d have a tuna sandwich every now and then, I’d give him a few bites if he wanted it. Now that he’s older, I give him more. I haven’t given him any shellfish yet, b/c I know people can be allergic to shellfish and it’s just something I personally want to wait untli he’s a little older to feed to him. Your son should be fine eating seafood now though. Just limit how much he has every week, I’d think no more than 2 or 3 servings should be fine. But, in the end, talk to his doctor about it to get more information and facts. Until then though, he should be fine eating seafood. My son has loved it from the start for the past 7 months!
What is not ok to do when pregnant?
Q: I’m 1 month pregnant and was wondering what is ok and what’s not?Is it ok to sleep on your back?Is it ok to eat seafood (besides fish)?Is it ok to stand for really long periods of time?Is it ok to be cramping? (used to be really bad, but sorta ok now)Is it ok to eat salt, (I love to put salt on a lot of the things I eat)?Is it ok to eat out, like Mexican or Chinese?Is it ok if I lay on my stomach?If some of this stuff is ok now, will it still be ok in a few months?
A: Sleeping on your back makes it harder for the baby to breathe the best way to sleep is on your side with a pillow between your legs.Some is ok just be careful the mercury in the fish is what is harmful for the baby. Check with you doc for sure and see what he/she says everyone is different.Its ok, just make sure you get atleast a 15 minute break to sit down every couple hours.Yes, I’m 6 weeks my cramping was so bad and is now starting to get better. The cramping comes because the ligaments in your belly are stretching to prepare for the baby.Salt I’m not too sure about. I’m guessing a small amount is ok just don’t over do it. I know what you mean salt is the BEST. as you know with any person a large amount of salt is not healthy for you pregnant or not.Mexican and Chinese absolutely, just no roast beef, no pork products whatsoever (hotdogs, ham, bacon, etc.) and lunch meat is also not good for the baby.Don’t lay on your stomach its not good for the baby.These answers will be the same in a few months and all throughout your pregnancy.
Problems with what we are advised not to eat in pregnancy?
Q: I am being very responsible during my pregnancy and avoiding most of the things that I am told to stay clear of. But what I want to know is if there is anyone out there who is ‘bending the rules’ when it come to food? I really like a my steak rare – would it be so bad to have an undercooked steak? I buy all my meat from an organic farm and I know how and when it has been butchered. What harm can it possibly do? The same for seafood – if it is fresh from a trusted supplier and cooked well by me at home, what is the problem? The French and the Japanese are not advised to change their eating habits when pregnant and I am inclined to think we are over reacting in this country.I don’t want to take risks, but I am interested to see what other people’s experiences are – are you following the guidlines to the letter or are you sneaking in the odd slice of brie or piece of sushi? And what harm can this REALLY do to your baby?
A: It is only advice, not “rules” as such. Its an entirely individual decision, a judgement call, like anything else when it comes to parenting. I ate peanut butter throughout my pregnancy despite advice to the contrary, because I had a craving for it. My son is healthy and happy.
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