Is it bad to smoke when you are pregnant

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There are some activities a pregnant woman should avoid all together and smoking cigarettes is one of them. ChaCha again soon. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to smoke when you are pregnant
Is it bad to smoke when pregnant?
It’s not healthy,no. I know I was a heavy smoker when I was pregnant with my daughter,as much as 2 packs a day. Naturally,I’ve cut back drastically with this one. She’s fine though. I don’t say “oh go do it” but my daughter is tot…
Is it bad to smoke pot when you are pregnant
Smoking marijuana during pregnancy may affect your baby’s growth and the development of his nervous system…more?
Why is it bad to smoke when you are pregnant?
It is very harmful to your baby to smoke when you are pregnant, because the smoke you inhale reduces the amount of oxygen your baby receives. It can cause still birth or premature labor.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How bad is it to smoke when pregnant?
Q: I am 17 years old and I am 7 weeks pregnant. I used to smoke like 8 cigarettes a day, but as soon as I found out that I’m pregnant, I cut down from 2-3. Is this harmful to my baby? Should I cut down completely? I still havent told my mom that I am pregnant. I just don’t know how to do it. So if you have any ideas, they will be greatly appreciated.thank you.
A: Smoking while pregnant can cause low birth weight. You really should stop. Just sit your mom down and just tell her. You will feel better after that.
Is being around people who smoke, but aren’t smoking with you there. bad if yr pregnant?
Q: I’m fifteen years old, Engaged, and now pregnant. I used to smoke, but quit cold turkey.Alot of my friends smoke, but don’t smoke when i’m around, obviously.Is it harmful to my baby to be in close contact with these people, such as hug them? Or what not ?Okay, I know i’m young, but I was engaged before I was pregnant, and I’ve been with this guy on and off for four years. I know I want to spend my life with him. I’ve grown up around adults, so i’ve matured faster then most. Every woman knows when their ready to have a baby, I knew I was ready. It was planned, not unplanned. I’m happy, So is my Fiance, and the baby will be happy too. Please don’t throw yr harsh comments at me, At least I had a plan. I know exactly what i’m doing, and even though i’m young, I’m not naive.
A: A hug won’t hurt. Just stay out of the smoke.
Does it annoy you when pregnant women take uneccessary risks?
Q: My best friend is 6 months pregnant and has a 14 month old daughter, she drinks like a litre of coke a day and eats dips and soft serve ice creams and peanuts (the stuff they tell you not to eat) and when people say anything she says “Before people knew about all this stuff babies were still being born just fine, I ate and drank whatever I wanted when I was pregnant last time and N**** turned out ok” the thing is her daughter has a problem with her eyes, she has been in and out of hospital a lot for becoming very ill and her legs grew abnormally short and she is very small for her age. I just don’t like that my friend is ok to take risks like that for the sake of some food or coke. I mean it isn’t as bad as smoking, drinking and drugs during pregnancy but when pregnant you should be trying to have the best outcome for your baby even if it means you have to sacrifice something for yourself. Does it piss you off when pregnant women don’t put their babies first?Soft serve ice cream contains potentially harmful bacteria and is most dangerous to eat during the first trimester.It can cause miscarriageI don’t say anything to her about it. Look to you angry biatches out there in all the books I read it cautions you about listeria OK which is found in soft serve ice cream, dips and buffet food, the docs warned me AND my friend about it and told us it could cause a miscarriage, I took notice and she didn’t, I just thought yes your baby will probably be ok but why take the risk when you have been warned against it? WHY? Because you want some soft serve? Have some ice cream out of a frickin tub instead! Some of you are getting way too worked up about this, I am not a judgemental person I just wanted to know what others think and I am so sick of being judged when I ask questions.I do not think she is a bad mother you stupid mole, she is a great mother, only during pregnancy when she is warned not to do something and does it anyway, I cannot understand why. She is my friend and has been for 15 years so I think I am more on her side than you are.Elle, yes I have been pregnant my daughter is 3 months older than hers.
A: I’ve heard pop can be bad, I quit drinking it altogether and stuck to water and milk. A cousin of mine drank a lot of mountain dew when she was pregnant and she had a premature baby as well as he has developement problems. I’m not sure if the pop had anything to do with it, but a can of pop takes away a glass of milk as far as calcium goes so just imagine if more pop than milk is consumed. All the other posters may say keep to your own business, but guaranteed they have judged other parents before. In the end we all have our own beliefs and your opinions should be respected.
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