Is it normal to get a hemorrhoid during pregnancy

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Hemorrhoids are very common during pregnancy, especially since a woman uses the bathroom so often while pregnant. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it normal to get a hemorrhoid during pregnancy
Is it normal to get a hemorrhoid during pregnancy
Hemorrhoids are very common during pregnancy, especially since a woman uses the bathroom so often while pregnant. ChaCha

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Hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Q: I know hemorrhoids are a normal pregnancy symptom during your second and third trimesters. I have been lucky to not get them earlier, but I am now in my eighth month and I might be suffering from one? I believe I have had anal fissures before I got pregnant but they always went away. I take an Iron prescription 2x daily on top of a daily vitamin and I know that can be rough on your anal area and I do have a hard time defecating. Last night I had a noticable amount of blood on the toilet paper, but then I tried to wipe again and it wasn’t there. It was more blood than I ever had from my anal fissures before I was pregnant. This morning my anal area is really sore. How do you know if you have a hemorrhoid? I am in no way itchy around there and I keep that area clean. Is it anything I need to worry about or should I just ignore it as its not really a big deal and I would rather deal with it and not be anemic as I am.
A: Yeah I didn’t have morning sickness but right around 20 weeks I noticed that there was blood every time I wiped after a bowel movement. I’m pretty sure that I have gotten the big H they are still just internal. It is extrememly common (about 1/2 of all pregnancies) I have some occational discomfort right after the movement but no other time so far. My husband just teases me about them. I did by some wipes that have which hazel in them (store brand prep H wipes) you can get about 50 of them for 3 bucks and they just help to prevent bleeding since they are softer on your sensitive parts. I only use them after a bowel movement and with this pregnancy i’m lucky if that is twice a week (sorry tmi) If your worried about them, you can ask your doctor but most cases you deal until after the baby then if they pop out after delivery you soak em and they go away.At this point I wouldn’t worry about it, it’s more annoying than anything else.
Is this normal during pregnancy?
Q: I am 34 weeks pregnant as of yesterday, with my first child. I have been on bed rest since 30 weeks, due to preterm labor. and gestational diabetes. Monday night, there was some blood when I went to the bathroom, and I called my OB/GYN, and the on call doctor said it was hemorrhoids, and I don’t believe him, because it didn’t come from my bottom. Since Tuesday morning I have had really bad diaherra-ish, and loose stools, accompanied with some sort of lower back pain, and some cramping until I go to the bathroom. I have an appointment tomorrow morning… Is diarrhea something to get concerned about? My eating habits are still the same, and I have not eaten something new or different, nor have I drinked something different, just a lot more water then normal….
A: I would say you’re fine but make sure you’re ready. I was also on bed rest for preterm labor and 2 days before I had the baby I had the runs. You’ll also tend to bleed if you move more than normal the closer you get. Good luck! It’s way worth it tho. If you want a great website try If you register they can tell you what you should be expecting and there are alot of great articles to read.
Is it bad to push when you are constipated during 6th month of pregnancy?
Q: Im on my 24th week and 5th day of pregnancy and very much constipated. Whenever i try to do the number 2, i can’t help but push. Im a bit worried aside from getting hemorrhoids, im afraid that ill go into labor. Are there any suggestions you can give me to relieve constipation? BTW, is it normal for your vagina to look swollen at this time of pregnancy?
A: You can’t force yourself into labor having a bowel movement at 6 months, however you will cause hemorrhoids. Eat prunes, and other fruits, fiber will regulate you. You should not be dialated at 6 months and as long as you are not having contractions then push away.
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