Is it possible for a pregnancy test of be negative and still be pregnant

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It is possible for you to be pregnant and get a false negative. You might not be far enough along for the test to pick it up. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible for a pregnancy test of be negative and still be pregnant
Can this be possible?? pregnancy,and test still Negative??
Some tests don’t pick up the hormone, like they aren’t sensitive enough. If you think your pregnant, and it isn’t showing up on a HPT then go to the doctor and request a blood test. Good luck
Is it possible to have a pregnancy test turn out negative and sti…?
A pregnancy test measures the amount of the hormone HCG in your urine. If the test reads a certain level of the hormone it will turn positive. If you believe you are pregnant then repeat the test in a few days. It could be that you are preg…
Is it possible for a pregnancy test to be negative if taken at ni…?
In very early pregnancy, yes. The reason it is recommended to take the test in the morning is because the hCG levels are more concentrated in the urine then, and can be more readily detected. So if it is in the first weeks of pregnancy, the…

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Q: My husband and I have been trying for a while now to get pregnant and he swore with the way I was acting and how sore my breasts got last month that I was pregnant but when I came up to “that” time of the month I still got my period. I took a pregnancy test the first day I was supposed to get my period because I was anxious and it came out negative could I still be pregnant though because I have quite a few of the other symptoms??
A: wait another month and if you don’t get your period then you may be pregnant. But from what you said I am sorry but it looks like a no. You should go and talk to your Gyno and tell him/her your trying to get pregnant. This way you can have all the testing and other things that need to be done to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Best Of Luck.
Negative pregnancy test!!!! Could I still be pregnant?
Q: I took the clear blue test. The test came in words that said either pregnant or not prenant. It said not pregnant. The test said it is 95% accurate 1 day before your missed period. Well I took it 2 days after my period ended. And it came out negative. Is it still possible I’m pregnant. I don’t want to be pregnant. I’m on birth control and I take it the same time everyday. I didn’t miss any pills and we used a condom. But he put it on inside out. So he flipped it. I thought my birth control would be enough. If any sperm made it would only be a few and the chances are they died within a few minutes. The chances I could have been pregnant in the first place are almost zero. Because their shouldn’t even be an egg. But my period was almost non existant. And now I feel kinda gross and my uterus feels odd. I’ve been on birth control only 7 months. Could it just be that I’m adjusting or is their still a chance of being pregnant? It has been between 3 and 4 weeks and no sign of morning sickness or motion sickness. What’s your opinion. thanksp.s. No rude comments please. I’m not asking for rude opinions. If your rude I will report you. I was being very safe but I am a human and occasionally I make mistakes.
A: I don’t think you are pregnant, Clearblue digital is very accurate, one of the best home pregnancy tests, and if it said not pregnant than i doubt you are, plus you were on birth control.But then again there still is a chance the test was a false negative. go to your doctor for a blood test, they can tell you for definate.Good luck!
The pregnancy test came out negative!!! Is their a chance I may still be pregnant?
Q: I took the clear blue test. The test came in words that said either pregnant or not prenant. It said not pregnant. The test said it is 95% accurate 1 day before your missed period. Well I took it 2 days after my period ended. And it came out negative. Is it still possible I’m pregnant. I don’t want to be pregnant. I’m on birth control and I take it the same time everyday. I didn’t miss any pills and we used a condom. But he put it on inside out. So he flipped it. The chances I could have been pregnant in the first place are almost zero. Because their shouldn’t even be an egg. But my period was almost non existant. And now I feel kinda gross and my uterus feels odd. I’ve been on birth control only 7 months. Could it just be that I’m adjusting or is their still a chance of being pregnant? What’s your opinion. thanksp.s. No rude comments please. I’m not asking for rude opinions. If your rude I will report you. I was being very safe but I am a human and occasionally I make my brith control is low ogesterel. It prevents the ovulation of an egg. Plus it think the uterin lining and makes the cervical musuc thicker.nope my nipples aren’t tender at all.
A: No I can’t imagine that you could be pregnant. You probably just feel like that because you are stressed out and worried about it. Relax you will be ok.
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