Is it safe to take a hot bath while pregnant

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As long as the water is close to your own body temperature, under 100 degrees. You may also use oils, salts, and bubble bath. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it safe to take a hot bath while pregnant
As long as the water is close to your own body temperature, under 100 degrees. You may also use oils, salts, and bubble bath.
・ Most health care experts allow pregnant women to take tub baths throughout pregnancy, as long as the… ・ In general, women must be particularly careful about hot baths during the first two months of pregnancy… ・ If you’re not sure what…
It’s okay as long as the water is close to your own body temperature, under 100 degrees. If the water is too hot, you get overheated and that increases your heart rate, reduces blood flow to the fetus, and potentially puts the baby under st…;jsessionid=98038ABFCB841E086EBFDBB1B1F0A052.01-03?print=true&print=true

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it safe to take hot baths while pregnant?
Q: I know it’s not safe to use a hot tub while pregnant, but what about hot baths? How hot is too hot?
A: I have always liked a really hot bath or shower. I spoke with my doctor and he said a hot bath is fine, as long as your burning yourself. I would double check with you doctor if your concerned, but I have been having hem for the past 5 months and its the only thing that relieve the growing pains I am currently experiencing …Good Luck!!
Is it okay to take a bath while pregnant?
Q: I enjoy long hot bubble baths, while reading a book. It is relaxing. But I have read online that you shouldn’t take hot baths. So what is hot to you could be cold to me, how do I know if the water is to hot? Is it safe to lay in a bath tub for that long? Is it okay to use bubble bath soap? I just don’t want to hurt my baby? So what did you all do? Should I just stick with showers? ThanksI am 7 weeks pregnant.
A: According to the Organization of Teratology Information Services (OTIS), a body temperature of 101º F and above can raise concerns during pregnancy. Some studies have shown an increased risk of birth defects in babies of women who had an increased body temperature during the first trimester of pregnancy. You can raise your body temperature to this level by getting a fever, by exercising too strenuously, working outside on hot summer days, and so on. You Should Not Use a Sauna, Hot Tub or Take Long Hot Baths Hot tubs and hot baths have a tendency to raise your body temperature and therefore are to be avoided. Before my pregnancy I liked to take very long hot baths. Now, I settle for a warm bath but sometimes I still have my relaxing hot baths while I relax and read. Some say shower. I tried that once and the bottom of the shower got all slippery and I almost fell! So I’m sticking with my baths :). A hot bath, which is not uncomfortable or scalding, is a safer way to relax. In a bath much of your upper body will remain out of the water, making you less likely to overheat. Additionally, the water in a bath begins to cool off, as opposed to a hot tub, further reducing any risk of overheating.Regarding bubble baths, the concern is that in pregnancy, because of hormonal changes, our skin may develop new rashes or reactions to bubble baths that we’ve never experienced before. So bubble baths are also safe and fine in pregnancy as long as your skin is not reacting.
How hot is too hot for bath water ?
Q: I like to take baths and Im currently 10 weeks pregnant, almost 11. Well i recently read where it says that its not always safe to take a bath while pregnant or have to hot of temperatures. So i took the temperature of the water and it said it was 102.9, but definatly didnt feel that hot. Is this too hot or should I just not take baths at all, just showers ?
A: 105 is too hot
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