Is it safe to take amoxicillin while pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it safe to take amoxicillin while pregnant”,you can compare them.

Therapeutic doses during pregnancy are unlikely to pose a substantial teratogenic risk. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it safe to take amoxicillin while pregnant
If you have a bacterial infection that your doctor feels would be best treated by amoxycillin, yes it is safe. Whatever your doctor prescribes you should always tell him/her you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, or on birth control…
Yes – IF – you are not allergic AND your doctor has said it is ok that said- there are studies that suggest that babies teeth can be discolored (greyish) by taking antibiotics. ASK YOUR DOCTOR – you should be doing that rather than asking h…
It all comes down to benefits versus risks! You have a lung infection that can cause you repiratory distressif left untreated. If your having trouble breathing it will put a strain on other systems of your body and most likely your baby. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it safe to take Amoxicillin while pregnant?
Q: the doctor perscribed me Amoxicillin for my strep throat and she knows i’m pregnant. i asked if it was safe to take it while pregnant and she said it is safe. is it safe to take Amoxicillin while pregnant?lol i did i asked the pharmasist and they said it was safe.. i’m just getting other opinions. thanks. :] i’m pregnant for the first time so i’m nervous about what i can take and i’m not allergic to it.
A: I actually took Amoxicillin at the beginning of my pregnancy because I had a bladder infection. It was around the time when I found out I was pregnant. RIght now I’m 40 weeks pregnant and my baby is perfectly healthy. I think that’s one of the prescriptions that are safe to take during pregnancy.
Is it safe to take amoxicillin while pregnant?
A: Yes – IF – you are not allergic AND your doctor has said it is okthat said- there are studies that suggest that babies teeth can be discolored (greyish) by taking antibiotics. ASK YOUR DOCTOR – you should be doing that rather than asking here.YOU are your best advocate (for yourself and your baby) a good doctor WANTS you to ask questions (no matter how silly you feel) if it helps – write things down on a page in a note book and show him/her your questions/ concerns- that way you dont forget things.Just remember your doctor is skilled and knowledgeable but he/she is NOT god! it is not only acceptable to question things – it is Wise to do so. an educated mom to be makes a good/knowledgable mom who will be better able to deal with real problems that might arise.good luck and congratulations on the baby on the way.rj
Is it safe to take antibiotic while pregnant?
Q: I am 15 weeks pregnant. I got Uti and my doctor prescribed me to take 500 mg amoxicillin for five days. I am afraid to take. It’s like too strong and afraid to loss my baby.
A: This is a question best answered by your pharmacist ,pick up the phone and call him,or her.
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