What age can a woman start having children

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What age can a woman start having children”,you can compare them.

When a female reaches puberty, her body will begin making eggs & she can become pregnant. The average age is between 10-16 years. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-age-can-a-woman-start-having-children ]
More Answers to “What age can a woman start having children
What age should women start having children?
Well, if they want a baby, I doubt anything anyone else will say will make a difference to them. For me, I would think that 17 and 18 is a bit young. Since they’re already married, and they have the support of the church, they’ll probably b…
Why do women from small towns start having children at such a you…?
have to second Moo Moo Mair’s comment. I’ve known plenty of girls from small towns that went off to college, had a career and then thought about marriage and children. I’ve also known plenty of girls from very large towns that got knocked u…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

At what age should women consider having children?
Q: The other day a friend of mine who is a couple of months younger than me was told by her doctor that as she is now nearly 29 years old she really should start thinking about having children! And I was offered the chance of advancement at work this week over someone else who has been with the company longer as I’m single and my colleague is settling down and preparing for marriage and babies. At what point should a woman start to “think” about children? And as someone who is 28 should I be deafened by the sound of my biological clock ticking? And should I worry because I’m not? And how can I stop other people being concerned about my lack of motherhood, cos believe me ‘helpful’ people like to point out my single status!! Sorry lots of questions but its really bugging me lately!!
A: Tell all those “concerned” people to please give it to someone else – – they are so JEALOUS of your freedom they could just scream!! And please do not go to your friends doctor – what a stupid thing for them to say! Women can SAFELY expect to have babies late in their 30s, provided they are healthy and make regular doctors visits. I STRONGLY recommend you FIND A FANTASTIC husband FIRST, get your finances totally in order, save some money, travel a bit, THEN decide whether or not you NEED to bring babies in to your lifestyle – who knows, maybe by that time you wont want kids!
Whats the maximum age the average woman can have a child & @ what age do the chances of birth start decreasing
Q: Also, at what age do the chances of good health for the child start decreasing? I heard from a friend that after a woman is like 25, the child will get dumber and unhealthier the more years you wait.Please indulge me with either real life experiences or factual evidence.I’m 24 and want to start my own business/achieve success before kids (cuz we all know it declines after they arrive, except for the men- we should all protest this patriarchal society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and want to prolong having kids for as long as possible meanwhile avoiding harmful effects.thanks much 🙂
A: Age 30 is when the chances of problems increase and 35 is when they start testing for abnormalities. It is very hard to get pregnant naturally over 40. Famous people make it look easy but what they don’t tell you is that they went through many rounds of very expensive invitro treatments.
What is a good age for a woman to have her first child?
Q: I’m 21 and I want to finish my degree, travel and have a good job. I also want to fall in love, get married and have children. I know that you can’t plan life down to the last detail as anything can happen but what would be a good age to aim for to start having children?
A: There is no “good” age. It’s whenever you feel you are mature enough and financially stable enough to take care of a baby.
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