What are the chances of getting pregnant when you are a virgin

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You can only get pregnant by having sexual intercourse! Thanks for using ChaCha and have a good one! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-chances-of-getting-pregnant-when-you-are-a-virgin ]
More Answers to “What are the chances of getting pregnant when you are a virgin
What are the chances of a virgin getting pregnant from pre-cum ru…?
the chances of a virgin getting pregnant are the same of a non-virgin. very slim. pre-cum doesn’t have any sperm in it. (okay, so it has come to my attention that some people don’t believe that statement. there haven’t been any long term st…
What are the chances of a 16 year old virgin getting pregnant??
according to my cousin’s dr, you can get pregnant without full penetration! my 15 yr old cousin is pregnant and her dr said her hymen is still intact. she and her boyfriend got naked and he orgasmed before any penetration. the dr also said …
Do you have higher chances of getting pregnant when you are a vir…?
Nope! Being a virgin and losing your virginity does not give you are higher or lower chance of becoming pregnant than anyone else.

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Q: When you always use protection but your husband wants to see what it feels like without it. My husband and I have used condoms since day one and we were both virgins on our wedding day. He wanted to see what it would feel like without a condom on so we made love for about a minute or so without a condom to experiment. What are the chances of me getting pregnant from the precum? He then put a condom on and we finished so I figure it would have pushed any sperm up closer. I know that precum does contain a small amount of sperm. I have been having dreams every night since that I was pregnant so I am curious.
A: Depends on your cycle you had sex – if you had unprotected sex during the middle of your cycle ie 10 – 16 days after your period then there is a chance
What are the chances of getting pregnant?
Q: when you are a virgin and basically too stiff or tense if you like, that you couldnt even get an inch of a finger in the vagina?also, you tried with a penis (with a condom) and even the whole head did not go in, same problem as above?assuming before he put on the condom, he was just naked and all you did was just touch his penis and it was just close to your stomach not at the tip of the vagina.answers in details will be appreciated. 🙂
A: If you didn’t have sex, and there was no contact with your vagina and his penis, then you aren’t pregnant.Don’t rush into anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Losing your virginity is a big thing for most girls, so you wanna lose it to “that special someone”.If you are going to have sex, then make sure you have foreplay first. This will “loosen you up” a bit and make you more “ready” for intercourse. If it’s gunna be a regular thing, you might wanna consider birth control and don’t forget to always use a condom.take care -x-x-
Chances of Being Pregnant? i’m a virgin?
Q: I am still a virgin but I do fool around with my boyfriend a lot. We are EXTREMELY careful, meaning we do not cross contaminate his cum/precum to me. We have never touched genitals, except for once when he put a condom on(we made sure his hands were clean, he washed them) and he just touched the opening of me once for a second. I know this may make me seem paranoid, because really I know the only way to get pregnant without sex is if wet cum/precum actually comes into some sort of contact with the vagina/vulva through fingers or something else, but whenever I touched mine it was a long time after and my hands were dry and it was only a second. I think i’m just overthinking because my period is 4 days late. (I never really kept track of my cycles except for like 2 times before, so I dont really know if i’m super regular or not i’m just a teen) I’m under a lot of stress cause its junior year, could that be why i am late? If you had to pick if i was or not, what would you pick
A: stress is a big cause of late periods especially in teens. It’s very unlikely that your pregnant. I missed an entire period one month and wasn’t pregnant. I was really stressed about not getting it which delayed it more on top of it being my freshman year of college and work so many different causes for a late period. Don’t worry hun unless you actually had sex, your chances of being pregnant from messing around are VERY slim. Just try to relax and not think about it too much. Good luck with school. Junior year was the worst for me too. 🙂 but once senior year hits it’s the best!
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