What are the chances of her getting pregnant

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More Answers to “What are the chances of her getting pregnant
Many women wonder what are the chances of getting pregnant. Typically after a woman’s 28 day cycle they are fertile for about days. A mans sperm can survive in a woman’s body for at least 48 hours and sometimes longer. The odds of a woman g…
Every month, if you do everything right, you chances of getting pregnant are about 20%.
Hello there dear… Your chances are good but not the best, If you had your period on the 20th then ovulation would have taken place on 11/3. So you may have missed it. Do you remember at all around the 7th what you were feeling like, or …

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Q: If me and a girl have been having sex pretty much every day the past two weeks and she is on the pill, what are the chances of her getting pregnant if she is already 5 days late?
A: 50:50
What are the chances of getting her pregnant?
Q: So she is on her period and things got a little hot last night…the only thing stopping us from having sex was the grossness of all the blood…but she wanted it so I did…as soon as it was over i realized that she wasn’t taking her birth control because she was on her period…but she is also on some kind of antibiotics for a cold…i went in her…what are the chances of her getting pregnant???
A: Not likely. Let me explain how it works. A cycle is 28 days. Day 1 is the first day of menstration. Can last up to 7 days. Day 14 she ovulates (releases egg). Day 15-28 After a few days the egg reaches the uterus. If unfertilized, her body will continue as usual with this cycle for the next two weeks to direct the lining to shed at the start of the next cycle.Her chances of becoming pregnant are high 2 days before ovulation (Day 14) and up to 5 days after, or Day 12-19. I would avoid unprotected sex during those days to avoid pregnancy. This is known as the rythym method. If she’s on her period, she’s prob on Day 1-7, so I wouldn’t be too worried. Of course there’s a chance her cycle isn’t normal or something. Never a full guarantee.
What are the chances of her getting pregnant and me pulling out but i had ejaculated earlier that day?
Q: well my gf and i had sex without a condom and i had ejaculated earlier that day but not in her. my question is that i cant remember if i had gone to the bathroom (i dont think i did) what are her chances of being pregnant. Also she doesnt run on a 28 day cycle so i do not know when she ovulates i think we did it on day like 22 what are her chances
A: As long as you were inside her without protection she could be pregnant. Next time be careful
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