What are the symptoms of being 20 weeks pregnant

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You may have a 5 to 10 pound weight gain and have an increased appetite. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-being-20-weeks-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of being 20 weeks pregnant
What are the symptoms of being 20 weeks pregnant
You may have a 5 to 10 pound weight gain and have an increased appetite.

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20 weeks pregnant funny symptom.?
Q: Dear All,been feeling the baby move loads lately and i have my scan tomorrow to find out what sex it is. last night i was about to sneeze and i stoped becasue it felt as though a big bubble moved from the bottom of my belly to the top and went all hard i use the doppler everyday nd can hear the heartbeat as high up as my belly button but didnt think the baby would be that high up. my question is as anybody else experianced that its my second child and i have never experianced it before x thanks in advance x
A: Everytime I sneeze, I get a huge cramp for a couple seconds right under my belly button. then, it just goes away. Mention something to your doctor tomorrowCongrats on finding out the sex!! It’s so exciting
20 weeks pregnant, should I take iron pills?
Q: I’m interested to know what other pregnant mothers and mom’s to be would do in my situation.I have a genetic blood disorder from my mother, we’re both ‘carriers’ meaning that we do not have the disease but the markers in the genes for it. The disorder will show as borderline anemic in blood tests, with an unusually high level of hemoglobin F. I don’t really have anemia and never experienced symptoms of it.That being said, when I became pregnant my ob/gyn prescribed me iron pills and told me I was borderline anemic. I explained to him that I had a disorder, and he agreed that the hemoglobin F was highly unusual and that I was really “barely anemic”. However, he still felt the “need” to prescribe the iron pills and give me samples. At the time I was in my first trimester and knee deep in morning sickness, so I couldn’t fathom taking another pill (I take a prenatal with iron and folic acid) uunnecessarily.Now that I’m 20 weeks, the nausea has subsided enough that I can take my prenatal without much discomfort. Should I start to take iron pills now? I do feel like it would be overdoing it considering I’m not truly anemic and I get iron in my foods and prenatal pill (the label says 140% of daily intake). Am I doing the right thing? And what are the effects of anemia on the unborn baby? There is a chance that this child will be a carrier for the disorder (like me) but not have it (it takes two of the genes to make the disease and my husband is not a carrier).Okay…I’m NOT really anemic….my blood disorder FAKES anemia. I do not, and am not anemic. Ugh, I knew nobody would really understand or read this question. Thanks anyway, I might try it, what can overdosing on iron do anyway?
A: You don’t take vitamins while pregnant for your baby, you take them for you. When it comes to nutrition, you baby is essentially a parasite and leaches all the nutrients it needs from you. You can end up deficient in just about any vitamin or mineral because your baby is stealing them from your body. You’re taking iron to keep yourself healthy, and you should take it if your doctor told you to.
I am 20 weeks pregnant i keep having what feels like contractions in my back?
Q: I am so stressed out all the time what can happen to me and baby i have so much stuff going on i try to just relax but i cant seem to i have had spasms in my lower back that feel like contractions in my back is this normal i know im not in labor just wondering if this is a sign of premature labor and what is the symptoms of stress while pregnant what can happen
A: the reason you are hurting so much is because of stress. calm down drink some mint tea or some camomile tea. they have calming attributes that will help you relax and loosen up your hurtind bodyparts. if you dontyou could misscarry.
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