What can you take for a headache when your pregnant

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The safest over-the-counter pain medication that you can use in pregnancy is acetaminophen, usually sold under the brand name Tylenol. According to the Organization of Teratology Information Services and a scan of the medical literature, Tylenol at MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-take-for-a-headache-when-your-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What can you take for a headache when your pregnant
Tylenol, unless prescribed other by a doctor. Aspirin and motrin can both kill the baby. Tylenol is all I was ever allowed to have.
Tylenol, works like a charm.. i was afraid of using it in my pregnancy but my Doctor said it is most defiantly safe=] for you and the baby=]
My doctor said just normal tylonal I have been taking it since day 1 and everything is fine

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What can you take for a headache when your pregnant?
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A: Tylenol, works like a charm.. i was afraid of using it in my pregnancy but my Doctor said it is most defiantly safe=] for you and the baby=]
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Could I be pregnant? Mothers, what were your first signs of pregnancy? How early is too early to take a test?
Q: Let’s see. My last period was March 20. Me and my bf had a lot of sex, especially around my ovulation time. I was looking at a “conception calculator” and it showed up to be April 1, which we had sex a couple times that day. My usual period comes on the 15th.We’ve had false alarms before, more me getting my hopes up, but I’m hoping this time it’s for real. Symptoms:I’ve been ravenously hungry.I’ve been utterly exhausted.I’ve had headaches on and off.My gums have been bleeding a little before, like I can taste blood in my mouth after brushing my teeth, and that has never happened to me before.I have a “full” feeling.I’ve been extremely moody. Yesterday I cried because I accidentally heated up my chicken too much. I’ve had white/clear discharge.Around the 15th I had a little brown discharge.I don’t know if this was my imagination, but when I was trying on bras at Walmart today, the veins across my breasts were more prominent, especially the ones across my aerolas leading to my nipples.Also, my aerolas are darker than they ever have been.Also, I normally take a C, but today I had to buy D’s.I’ve been nauseous on and off.I’ve had to go to the bathroom like every hour.I’ve been constipated.I’ve been having heartburn with foods that don’t normally give me heartburn.I’ve also had small cramps, thinking I was going to start my period, but it never came.I’m also about a week late.My period was due the 15th, and I took a test on the 13th, and it came out negative. Now for my questions.In your opinion, does it sound like I’m pregnant?Mothers, what were your first signs of pregnancy?How long after your missed period did it take for you to get a positive pregnancy test?What are the best pregnancy tests?
A: To me it sounds like you are pregnant. I was a week late when I had cramping like my period was going to start, but it didn’t and I was pregnant, I would test, it would be accurate by now, good luck, hope you get it!!
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