What does it mean when you dream about being pregnate

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Dreaming of being pregnant usually represents a new beginning or a new creation in your life. It is generally very positive! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-about-being-pregnate ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you dream about being pregnate
It means you want a baby. I know it’s very simple but it’s true. I have a dream dictionary.
To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direc…
To dream that you are pregnant symbolizes an aspect of yourself or of your life that is growing & developing. You may not be ready to talk about or act on it.

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A: Infatuation.
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Q: Ok here is the dream:I had a dream that I was on a plane with some friends, some people i dont know and some people i may have just seen before(I dont noe where the plane was going tho).In the dream we were like a bit older then we are now. And the Plane crashed on an island! And alot of us survied but the place that it crashed at was like a crazy place similar to the burmuta triangle. The weather killed alot of people.And in the dream we had no communication to anything. It was only us and some objects.But it was like it was almost a setup because there were beds on the island already. And one of my friends lived in his flying car. but the dream wasnt furturistic. the worst part of the dream is that it was like the series LOST. But this time it was played like a game. People had turns to like spin a wheel and alot of the times it said crazy things like kill urself or get pregnate and then kill the baby or have a baby push it out and then have someone push it back in. It was crazy. and i thought it was all real so when i wwoke up i was really scared. Like all my friends turned into really sick and crazy people. And on someones turn it said to kill an animal and my friend philip laughed at me because im a vegetarian and i hate wen animals die and he dosnt care. So it was a little like real life.Oh and another werid thing was that whenever my friend logged off aim it wud show it in the sky like it was teasing me cause i liked that kid but i couldnt do anything about it because i was stranded on an island.Ok the ending of the dream my friend amiras mom came out of no where with a weird car and saved us but it ended up being a small amount of people that survied. But she saved us like it was nothing and drove on a road the whole time and stopped 1 by 1 to drop us off at our schools. Its crazy! if u cud only see the dream Ok thats my dream. Im in the 7th grade so it was scary for me to have that dream. My sign if aquarius by the way.Ok can anyone tel me what that dream means?? Or why i may had have it??Please&Thank you. jenny
A: Perhaps? The dream symbolizes your life and the many decisions it can bring. Maybe some emotional hurt as if your problems are not being heard by someone who cares. Or do you feel that your not satisfied with the way your living, but rather feel trapped on an island of your emotions?
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