What happens if you get pregnant on your period

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It would be the same as if you weren’t on your period. You would start to form and develop a fetus. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-get-pregnant-on-your-period ]
More Answers to “What happens if you get pregnant on your period
Can i easily get pregnant right before my period
Ovulation is likely to begin about 14 days after the day your last period began, which is when you’re most likely to get pregnant.
Is it possible to get pregnant during your period?
Yes, it is possible that you can get pregnant during your period, but your chances are very low. So if you are planning on conceiving a baby your best bet is to try when you are not on your period.
How soon can you get pregnant after your period?
There is always a possibility of getting pregnant no matter when you had your period. However, you are much more likely to get pregnant when you are ovulating, which occurs 10-14 days before your period.

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can you get pregnant from boyfriend’s finger with wiped-off pre-cum on it?
Q: I’ll be fifteen in two weeks,My period last started on the 16th of January, and would have finished around the 23rd.I’ve only had my period for just under two years, and I’m generally a bit irregular.It’s now the 25th February,And in between now and around the 23rd of Feb(most likely around the first two weeks since 23rd), my boyfriend and I were fooling around..I was giving him a hand job, he didn’t actually finish but he did have pre-cum.The thing is that he was very paranoid about me getting pregnant from it, and I kept telling him it wont happen, but he was still pretty nervous. I remember him washing his hands at one point, and at another point he just wiped it…You can make judgements on the situation but keep them to yourself as it doesn’t change the situation..But it’s been a bit less than a month, and I’ve been told that stressing can stop my period from coming which is what i’ve been doing all this week, And i’ve done a bit of research, a lot of stuff say different things like sperm die when it hits air, that it can swim into my vulva, all different things.And so my final question is,If your boyfriend pre-cums and gets it on his fingers, whipes it off, then fingers you, and you haven’t got your period since a bit more than a month ago,could you be pregnant, and why?A SOURCE would be nice, I know you may think you know information but ifyou got it from a good website where doctors write stuff or something, then I’d feel a lot more comfortable.Thanks.
A: Sperm only can survive a few seconds when exposed to air. The link below is a situation similar to yours. And yes, if you’re worried about it, your period could be late due to stress. Just don’t worry about it. Good luck.
what happens if you skip your period and then you started spotting and you think your pregnant ?
Q: well i think that i could be pregnant but dont know could i be or what becuase this is starting to get me upset then i feel nausea and my stomach start to hurt and when i go to sleep at night my stomach starts to hurt and then i start to feel nausea all over again i feel like that everyday but im scared to take a pregnancy test but should i or should i wait then come on my next period………..
A: take a test!good luck!
if you were to get pregnant on your period..?
Q: If you were to get pregnant on your period, what would happen? Would your period stop, or would your flow continue?thank you in advance. :)You can get pregnant on your period. But, like Morgan said, its very unlikely.Yes it IS possible to get pregnant on your period, and it IS possible to ovulate on your period. I’m asking, what would happen with your period if pregnancy was to occur while menstruating. It may be unlikely, but it IS possible.
A: I would imagine that your period would continue. My educated guess is it may slow but the fact that most periods only last around 4-7 days and taper off to a lighter flow near the end anyway you wouldnt even notice that it has slowed. It would look probably like a normal period. Interesting question.
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