What is a prom night dumpster baby

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A baby which is disposed of quickly. Usually refers to all babies from Teenagers who got pregnant at prom and were abandoned. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-prom-night-dumpster-baby ]
More Answers to “What is a prom night dumpster baby
What is the definition of “Prom Night Dumpster Baby” ac…?
“Prom Night Dumpster Baby is a baby which is disposed of quickly on prom night.” Prom Night Dumpster Baby 132 up, 38 down A baby which is disposed of quickly as prom night (With the use of drugs, or the actual baby itself being pu…
Where can we find more information about prom night dumpster baby…?
“Here is some info along with the lyrics as well, enjoy!” Prom Night Dumpster Baby Family Guy Wiki, your fan-created Family Guy resource. Jump to: navigation, search Prom Night Dumpster Baby is a Family Guy number performed by a g…
Is the prom night “dumpster baby” real?
its probably happened to at least one girl, but i dont think theres one specific national story

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Prom night dumpster baby?
Q: Was that a great bit or what…I thought Quagmire’s toe in Meg’s mouth was classic then they come with the prom night dumpster baby song! Genius. I guess my question is, is prom night dumpster baby your favorite Family Guy bit, and if not, what is?y r all men insane: It was a song on the tv show Family Guy sung by a baby that was thrown in the dumpster, quite hilarious actually, he even was spinning his umbilical cord like a cane LOLmolovekayak: Comeon man, you got to admit that sh it was funny!!
A: OMG – I can’t remember when I laughed so hard at that freakin’ show. The toe… lmao. Dumpster baby…. roflmao! And the whole flying pickup thing, and the Chinese girls… freakin hilarious! But the best was Mayor West being told about the plane crash. And just sitting there. Then talking about Grey’s Anatomy. My all time favorites are the Road to Rhode Island (whole show), the song they sing with Frank Sinatra Jr., and Brian’s girlfriend chasing the flashlight beam on the wall. I am so in love with Seth MacFarlane.
Can I get some honesty about the abortion/dumpster defense?
Q: It seems as though every few days someone is telling the adoptees to “get over” their issues and “be grateful” they weren’t aborted or tossed in a dumpster. Do people seriously believe that an adoptee should have this kind of thing thrust upon them? Should adoptees be seeing their adoptive parents as their salvation from the awful threat of being a prom night dumpster baby or the tissue at the bottom of the medical waste bucket? Or are we suppose to be grateful to our natural mothers for choosing adoption and not these other two “options”?I seriously don’t understand this logic and would love if the people who use this defense could enlighten me as to what exactly makes them believe that adoptees would have suffered this fate if they hadn’t been adoptedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRj-S8Aklcw
A: I don’t think we’ll ever know why this is thrust upon with adoption.I read a book on a teenager who was pregnant and threw her baby in the Dumpster. The thought process behind it was so different. She was in denial that she even had the child and when she gave birth to it she just freaked and didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t because she didn’t love the child, but rather she wasn’t expecting it and the surprise was too much for her to handle.I can understand where they get the abortion but I don’t not believe people should be considering the choices as just adoption and abortion. There are other choices to make, such as parenting the child with various methods of help.People are just ignorant and attempt to act like they know anything on the adoption subject.Good question!
What do you think of the family guy cartoon?
Q: i am just a prom night dumpster baby my story isnt long but it is awfully sad i miss my mom so but shes at the prom my ass needs a blanket and somebody to spank it
A: Love it one of the best shows on tv but i don’t get how they understand brian who is a dog and not stewie who is human
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