What is a surrogate mom

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A surrogate mom is a mother who is artificially inseminated and carries to term a baby that will be raised by its genetic.. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-surrogate-mom ]
More Answers to “What is a surrogate mom
How to Become a Surrogate Mom
・ 1 Contact surrogacy agencies to find out whether you are an eligible candidate for surrogacy. Find a… ・ 2 Complete all evaluations that are required by the surrogacy agency that you choose. These will likely… ・ 3 Meet hopeful intended…
Can I use a surrogate mom if…?
You can use a surrogate mother no matter what your situation is. There’s no rules that regulate the reasons. However, keep in mind that most surrogates do get paid decent amounts, and you are also expected to foot all the Dr. bills. This in…
Can you become a surrogate mom without having health insurance??
yes, the contract for your surrogacy usually spells out that the receiving parents will pay all your expenses. However do not try to use state funded health care, it is illegal in most states for you to become a surrogate with medicaid. You…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can someone tell me what is the cost of hiring a surrogate mom? ?
Q: A friend of mine cannot have children due a to a health condition. She tried and lost her baby. All she wants is to have a healthy baby. If she were to get a surrogate mom, what would be the cost for that and where can she get one?
A: About $30,000 in the US. This includes all of the expenses she’ll pay during the woman’s pregancy.However, if you want to search abroad for surrogate mothers (CBS just did a huge story about this because it is growing in popularity), it India it only costs about $7,000. Naturally, flying out there once or twice will cost about $1,200 a seat, but that is STILL much lower than a surrogate in the US. The agencies are very well-respected in India as well.
If I have IVF done on a surrogate mom and get 20 babbies, can I be Dodecadad?
Q: I wanna get free stuff and money like other multiple birth media sensations, such as Octomom & J+K. Fortunately I’m a guy and won’t get stretch marks. I can pay a surrogate mom for that from the money I’ll get from the media circus. What do you think of my plan? I’m a great dad already.
A: Does the mum of the babbies get to be famous and rich too?
i want to be a surrogate mom?
Q: i would like to become a surrogate mother for a family but i do not know all the details if you do what is it like what is the compensation and how do i get started
A: They have a website I found when I was thinking about being a surrogate. It’s surrogatemoms.com I think. But, they usually want someone who has finished their own family, is married with spousal support, and meet a lot of requirements. If you only care about the compensation, really it isn’t that much and you will have a hard time. It is really all going back into your insurance and everything else. There are so many people scamming, that parents are careful and won’t even pay you anything until after you are pregnant. That means you better be ready to pay some out of pocket expenses just to meet with them and try to become pregnant. Good luck.
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