What is the best thing to do when you are pregnant and nauseous

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You can try a little ginger ale and some crackers. Avoid greasy foods, eat smaller more frequent meals and drink plenty of fluids. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-thing-to-do-when-you-are-pregnant-and-nauseous ]
More Answers to “What is the best thing to do when you are pregnant and nauseous
Is nausea & vomiting in pregnancy (N.V.P) a good thing??
Yes, even severe N.V.P is associated with a good prospect for a successful outcome for the pregnancy. There are no specific complications of pregnancy related to even severe N.V.P, but women with the worst hyperemesis gravidarum may be asse…

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Q: Well my husband and I have been ttc and haven’t had the best of luck. I also have pcos and irregular periods so the doctor has been putting my on provera just to get a period. what i want to know is that i had my last period on march 7th but i tested over two weeks ago and i was negative. is it normal to ovulate way late in your cycle? anyways,we stopped having sex last tuesday due to that i am goin to the doctors on the 1st. to have a test done. the last few days i first had a discharge that was wet pinkish mixed and then the next two days it turned to a brownish color, very lite (all this happened only when i wiped). i also been feelin very cold, then warm, breasts are a little tender, been nauseous, heartburn, very tired, headaches, u name it. could this be the real thing? am i finally pregnant? if so, could this be pregnant symptoms? how long after implantation will the hcg levels go up so that the test would be positive? please give me some insight, thank you very much.
A: Pregnancy Tests * How do pregnancy tests work? * What’s the difference between pregnancy tests that check urine and those that test blood? Which one is better? * How do you do a home pregnancy test? * How accurate are home pregnancy tests? * Which brand of pregnancy test is the most accurate? * I got a negative result on a home pregnancy test. Might I still be pregnant?Can anything interfere with home pregnancy test results? Get more info here:How soon after a missed period can I take a home pregnancy test and get accurate results?http://www.4woman.gov/faq/pregtest.htmhttp://www.4woman.gov/pregnancy/index.cfmEarly symptoms of pregnancy: What happens right awayCould you be pregnant? Symptoms of pregnancy can begin before your first missed period. Consider these classic clues.http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/symptoms-of-pregnancy/PR00102http://www.coolnurse.com/pregnancy.htmhttp://www.teenwire.com/ask/2007/as-20070418p1485-test.phphttp://www.amazingpregnancy.com/pregnancy-articles/362.htmlhttp://www.howtodothings.com/family-and-relationships/a2440-how-to-take-a-home-pregnancy-test.htmlhttp://www.pregnancy.org/article.php?sid=1197http://www.parenthood.com/articles.html?article_id=10026Videos about childbirth, pregnancy, and parenting, birth control.http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=childbirthhttp://video.yahoo.com/video/search?p=childbirth&x=30&y=16http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=parentinghttp://video.google.com/videosearch?q=teen+pregnancyhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5048185419106590466&q=birth+controlhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5085187650154662430&q=birth+control+is%3AfreeWhere can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care?You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too!Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: ·Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code ·For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081·Call or contact your local Health Department.
What are my chances of being pregnant???10 points to best answer!!?
Q: My last period started on October 10th. I should be getting my next one on the 7th so by this friday. sometimes it comes a day early. But i had sex on the 22nd and 24th of October. My most fertile days. My boyfriend pulled out both times. What are my chances of getting pregnant. Now over the last few days i have been extremely tired. the littlest things make me cry. seen a pampers(diaper) commercial and almost cried. Have had some bad head aches.I have to urinate all the time. My boobs itch and are some what sore.I woke up this morning and felt a bit nauseous. i took a test a few days ago and it was negative but i no it was to soon to tell. My boyfriend just wanted to try it out. just on the off chance. Please tell me what my chances are. even tho he pulled out before he ejaculated. Does any sperm come out before the actual ejaculation. I am not scared that i might be pregnant. I want to have a baby. Sense i lost one the day before easter. It was heart breaking. We decided not to try. But if something were to happen. We would both be happy.To others moms:When did you start getting pregnancy symptoms? and when did your food cravings start? With my previous pregnancy i got all the symptoms really early and have been craving salty foods all the time? did you? thanks in advance. 10 points to best answers.
A: Your chances of conception with the pull out method are slim to none. Although it is still possible. Precum may contain a very samll number of sperm but probably not enough to get you pregnant. Frequent urination does not start until later in the pregnancy. Other early symptoms of pregnancy are also the same as premenstraul symptoms.
could i be pregnant or not?
Q: my periodis officialy 1 weeks late ive had what i think is implantation bleeding as i only lasted two days and still had the cramping feeling in my belly. my question today though is im getting frequent headaches and feeling nauseous and bloated and sometimes a little bit dizzy i still get the cramp but not as often and the dark bit around my nipples gets bigger like they do before my period but then go normal a few hours later, and then sometimes i get the feeling like my periods going to comeand all i get is the white discharge, i know the best thing to do is take another test ive taken two but i took them before my period was due and after what i believe to be implantation during this time i still had spotting i was just very eager to know so when do you think i should test again??also my next question is what can i do to stop thinking about it because i try not to think about it and think about something but then go back to thinking about it because imnot thinking about it (if that makes any kind of sense) i think im over thinking about it and this could be the cause of my constant headache but i just dont know, im trying to wait until about the 12th november as then i will have missed my period for 2 and a half weeks.
A: You’re pregnant.
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