What is the oldest woman to get pregnant

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The oldest is a woman from Romania who got pregnant with twins at age 66. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-oldest-woman-to-get-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What is the oldest woman to get pregnant
Can a 50 year old woman get pregnant
Not Medical Advice: A woman who has not reached menopause still has the possibility of conceiving. The oldest mother on record gave birth at 66yrs old to twins.
Can a 90 year old women get pregnant?
If science WERE able to implant an embryo in a ninety year old women, No. 1 the implant would undoubtly never take. No.2 if by some quirk of fate it did adhere to the uterine wall, it would not have enough nutrients or adequate rich blood s…
What is the age of the oldest woman to ever get pregnant and give…?
She was 59 and was in the Guiness Book of world records for years. Everybody older than her used IVF and infertility drugs.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

A 17 year old boy got a 27 year old woman pregnant !!!!!! What happens?
Q: What is the law in California if a 17 year old gets a 27 year old pregnant?What happens to the baby and the parents?
A: If his parents press charges, she could be arrested for statutory rape, since he is a minor and she’s significantly older than him. If she were 18 or 19, there are Romeo and Juliet Laws, that would protect her, but do to her advanced age, she could be prosecuted, if his family presses charges against her.Lets assume no one presses charges. If no one presses charges, then a crime has been committed, but she wont be prosecuted for it. She’s essentially gotten away with it. She would retain parental rights and nothing would happen.If someone did press charges, she would be arrested, and possibly sentenced. The sentence can vary, depending on the ruling. He would probably gain custody of the child, since he is the biological father and he has not committed a crime. She may loose her parental rights, but again, this would depend on the courts ruling. She could petition to regain rights, and if he wants her to have parental rights, he has the power to give her parental rights, because he is the father.If he forfeited his parental rights, the baby would probably enter the system and be adopted by someone else. The mother would really not have any rights to the child, if she was convicted, however, she could try to appeal, but she may not be successful, if an adoption has taken place. Her best chance as remaining in the child’s life, is for the father not to forfeit his parental rights. I’m not entirely convinced, that its in this child’s best interests, to have the mother involved, since she’s shown such poor judgment and may be a bad influence or even a danger to the child.I don’t condone this behavior, nor claim to understand why a 27-year-old woman would get involved with a minor. My concern would be for the father (17-year-old boy) and the baby, not the mother (27-year-old woman).Best of luck. 🙂
What is the age of the oldest woman to ever get pregnant and give birth naturally?
A: She was 59 and was in the Guiness Book of world records for years. Everybody older than her used IVF and infertility drugs.
My 17 year old little brother got a 37 year old woman pregnant; how am I supposed to break this story?
Q: My little brother is a 17 year old freshman at Columbia University, and he’d been having a sexual liaison with a 37 year old woman that he met in a bar that he used a fake ID to gain entry. He confides everything in me, but I asked a similar question on Yahoo! Answers about a while ago on whether or not to confront my brother or his crazy friend with benefits and tell my parents, but everyone said he was practically an adult and that I should leave him alone.That’s what I did. I scolded him initially but figured it was his life, so I left it at that. Now, he tells me that his 20-year-age-difference friend is pregnant. This is terrible for both of us. If my parents are very traditional, strict Koreans with strong Christian faith convictions, and if they get even a hint that he’d been engaging in such debauchery with a white woman who’s 20 years older than him, I know they’ll cut his tuition and kick him out of the house when he turns 18. I too may well be forced to drop because I was strictly ordered to keep a good watch on my brother.How can I break this story to my parents? They will likely kill us (not literally, of course, but you get the idea), but I think it’s better to let them know now rather than have them find out months later. I’m so angry at this woman that got pregnant, who’s always got that arrogant smirk on her face, but I don’t know what to do. She said she’ll get an abortion and she told my brother that she wanted to continue the relationship; I want to go strangle her. I can’t believe I just stood by and watched her come up to his dorm and take him out for a wild night at her house before sending him back home. She’s using him for his youth, and I don’t care if the ******* age of consent in NY is 17; he’s still a minor like it or not, and I think I need to do something before something really bad happens.
A: wow; im korean too and i know what korean parents are like, they get mad over small thingsbut this is too much; i think the 37 year old is stupid. she needs to grow up, having sex with a 17 year old is not right. and she can go to jail for having sex with a minori live in ny too and ny’s legal age for anything is 18.
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