What is the soonest week you can tell if your pregnant

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Pregnancy tests are usually good on the first day that you miss your period, which is about two weeks after you become pregnant. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-soonest-week-you-can-tell-if-your-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What is the soonest week you can tell if your pregnant
Is two weeks to soon to tell if your pregnant??
No, it’s not. I found out within a week of conception. Pregnancy tests however can be unreliable so it’s wise to get a couple of them if you wish to test. You could wait longer if you wanted too just to be on the safe side. When you start g…
How can you tell if you’re pregnant one week after conception? to…?
in another 3 days you can test, but id leave it another 5-7 can i just say, you must not want a baby, or you would not have been using condoms, so why did you not get the morning afterpill? but you arnt killing anything, it stops the sperm…
How soon did you know you were pregnant… I mean could you tell …?
I am pregnant with my 4th child now. I knew a few days after intercourse, I just had a feeling about it and took a test. Sure enough there was a faint line on the stick. I tested again about a week before my period was due, because my breas…

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how soon after having sex can you tell that your pregnant and when is the soonest you can get am sickness?
Q: the other night i had sex and didn’t use a condom. i will admit that i was drunk and was stupid and didn’t use a condom. i am not against having a baby Ive not had one before so i don’t no what to expect. when i had sex it was right in between my period. which is when i usually ovulate. I was wondering when is the earliest that i can take a test to see if i am pregnant. And also if i am how soon after wards can you start feeling am sickness? i know that everyone is different. i have heard that it could be as early as conception and then other people have told me that it doesn’t happen until at least 3 to 4 weeks after and of course some people don’t even have it. but i have been feeling sick all day just in my stomach and know where else. it might just be nerves but i have this feeling like i might be.
A: You need to wait until after you have missed your period to find out if you are. You can get symptoms and am sickness at about 4 weeks pregnant but I never had any am sickness or symptoms at all until about 2 months.Good Luck!
How can you tell if your cat is pregnant?
Q: I rescued a cat about 2 weeks ago from my neighborhood, and she is now living with my boy-friend and his mom. (I couldn’t keep her because I have two already, both rescue cats) She was really skinny when we found her and in the last 2 weeks she has kinda filled out really quickly. Since we found her wandering the streets I don’t think she’s fixed, and we haven’t taken her to the vet because neither of us has the money to do so at this time, but we will soon. So I’m wondering what are the chances she might be pregnant and how can you tell?
A: When you look at her straight on, does it look like she swallowed a softball? When I was a kid I noticed that about one of our cats and two days later she had six kittens under my bed.If she was skinny, she may just be filling out from eating good food. But if her tummy seems to be growing faster that the rest of her, she might be. Will she let you place your hand on her, maybe you can feel some movement? Watch for her to start exhibiting ‘nesting’ behavior as well, and sometimes a female cat’s nipples will start to look at bit distended.Just be watchful, and call a vet for advice. A vet might work with you on the costs since she is a rescue. My vet gave us a ‘good samaritan’ discount when we fostered two rescued kittens, one of whom was deathly ill but with their help they both got healthy and have been in happy homes for two years now.
When can you tell the sex of your baby?
Q: I’m 15 weeks and one day pregnant. I have a nurses appointment but I’m going to make an ultrasound appointment for the soonest one they have (I don’t care if I have to pay out of pocket) because I haven’t had an ultrasound since I was 5 weeks pregnant & in the ER. My husband is in Iraq & I want to send him a copy of the ultrasound for his birthday coming up. What are the odds that when I have this ultrasound (probably next week) I will be able to tell the sex? If the baby is cooperative?
A: Since the late 1950’s ultrasonography has become a very useful diagnostic tool in Obstetrics. The technology has advanced greatly in its half-century lifespan. Today’s equipment is able to provide real-time continuous pictures of the moving fetus. These images are created from high frequency sound waves emitted from a transducer that is placed in contact with the abdomen and moved around like a flashlight all around the uterus. Ultrasound beams can the fetus in thin slices and are reflected back on the transducer. The data obtained from different reflections are put back together as a picture on the monitor. This allows the physician to view malformations in the fetus, take measurements to assess gestational age, size and growth, and assess movements such as heart beat. Ultrasound scans are currently considered to be a safe, non-invasive, accurate and cost-effective way to investigate the fetus. It has progressively become an indispensable obstetric tool and can play an important role in the care of every pregnant woman. In order to be certain the sonographer (person performing the ultrasound) should reassure herself that she actually sees the penis and scrotum in the case of a boy and the labia in the case of a girl. The absence of the penis must not be taken as sufficient evidence of the fetus being a girl. Most of the time one should be able to tell the sex of the baby by about 20 weeks and very often even at sixteen. On the other hand, as the correct visualization of any fetal part depends of a host of factors such as fetal position, amount of liquor and thickness of the abdominal wall, it may not be able to be certain about the sex even at 28 weeks. Just how accurate is the diagnosis of fetal gender by ultrasound? In general, it should be very accurate (somewhere between 95 and a hundred percent), particularly after about 20 weeks, or even sixteen. With modern equipment and techniques it may be occasionally possible to determine gender as early as 11 or 12 weeks. However, one must remember the person operating the ultrasound may not always be able to get a good view of the private parts of the fetus for a variety of reasons and therefore may not furnish you with an “accurate” answer. You really need to press the sonographer as to the degree of certainty.
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