What should I do if my boyfriend ran off with my best friend and got her pregnant

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You should be happy she got him. Anybody who would do this is not worth your time. ChaCha On! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-my-boyfriend-ran-off-with-my-best-friend-and-got-her-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What should I do if my boyfriend ran off with my best friend and got her pregnant
What should I do if my boyfriend ran off with my best friend and …?
You should be happy she got him. Anybody who would do this is not worth your time. ChaCha On!

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How do I tell my best friend his girlfriend cheated on & lied to him?
Q: To start off, my best friend met this girl over a local dating site about 5-6 months ago. Right off the bat there were warning signs.. in the pic she texted us she was young, thin, and pretty.. when we met up she was much older, and much larger. Anyways, they went off for a walk (against our pleas) and somehow.. hit it off. This girls crazy.. everytime we try to talk to her she brings up sex, wiccans, or ghosts. We invited them over with a few of our other friends and she went on for 5 minutes about what you should eat to make your poop taste better! Othertimes she offers to enchant objects in my house or cast protection spells on me.Anyway, about 2 months in the relationship she starts saying she might be pregnant (by the way, the week before she pushed the fact that she was “infertile” into every conversation) 3 weeks later she calls me to tell me she went to the doctor and he said the test was positive. The very next week she shows me a pic on her phone of a sonogram of 2 blobs and says its hers.. and she’s having twins. I asked her why she didn’t have the original copy of the picture and she said “Oh, they wanted to charge us for it so I just took a pic with my phone.” …does anyone believe that? And you can’t have an ultrasound that early, can you? o.OAbout 1 month later she starts calling me non-stop, saying she can’t feel the babies “energy” anymore, and telling me that miscarriges run in her family and she was worried about “disapointing her boyfriend” oh.. did I mention our friend has been wanting to be a dad since middle school? ..Yep, 3 days later she texts and says there was a lot of blood in the toilet the babies were dead. They come over right after, our friends a mess an we could tell he’d been crying.. and she was smiling.. yea, I know right? She said it was because she had taken a lot of painkillers to “numb the pain”.And today, I googled her screen name from the dating site they met on and a bunch of hits popped up of “smoking fetish” wiccan groups, paranormal sites and TONS of dating sites. I looked at them all and they were ALL logged in to in the last week, they all said single and they all had the updated city/state. (she moved to our town to live with him.. after 1 month) They all lied about her looks, her relationship status, even who she lived with. She put “family and friends” instead of her “beloved” boyfriend..Heres the problem.. our friend has emotional and mental issues. He has schizophrenia (which is currently untreated because of insurance issues) and has had a break down in the past from a breakup. So with all that into consideration, my question is: Should I tell him? How do I tell him? I’ve confronted him in the past about his girlfriend being wrong for him and he didn’t believe it at all. What if he just gets angry at us again and we just push him closer to her? Thanks for any advice!PS. I should also include she’s a gold digger. My friend gets social security and she convinced him to sign her as his dependant.. even tho they are making plenty of money they are in debt and owe money to 3 different paycheck advance places.Also: he lost his virginity to her, and because of that he is much more attached to her. She has all control over him. He can’t even visit us without her coming along. She says its because shes afraid to be alone… even tho they live in the “leave it to beaver” part of town.1) Oh wow we found the exact picture she showed us on that website2)Also, after a miscarrige, do you HAVE to go to the hospital for any reason? Because she didn’t.Just trying to get all the infotmation befor we bring it to attention, thank you for info.
A: This woman is an emotional leech. Yes, it will be very painful for the BF to learn the truth, but in the long run it won’t be as bad as the continual angst she clearly heaps upon everyone with whom she associates. Sounds like she doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as she is getting attention and whatever else she wants.Think of it this way: is it worse to know your GF is lying, or to think your unborn children are DEAD? As far as pushing him away. all I can suggest is to be sympathic and rational. Show him the illogic of her various claims. Seriously, who texts about a miscarriage?In searching the internet, it appears you can have ultrasounds that early. Example images can be found here: http://pregnancy.about.com/cs/ultrasounds/l/blus1index.htm
How to tell my parents, and everyone else, that I’m pregnant?
Q: Ok first off please don’t judge me. I know I’m not perfect and I have made mistakes but God has given me this gift for a reason. He knows that I will make a great, loving, and caring mother. I’m not one of those girls who runs around with her legs wide open either. This is a challenge God has presented me with, and I’m going to welcome it with arms wide open.Ok so I’m 14, about to be 15 and my boyfriend is 16 about to be 17. I just found out today that I am pregnant. He doesn’t even know yet. The only person that knows is my best friend, who has known from the very beginning that I thought I was pregnant. I didn’t want to tell my boyfriend I thought I was if I wasn’t but now that I know I am I am thinking of taking a picture of the test and sending it to him. But I’m not to sure if he will know what it is. Any cute ideas? Now for the hard part, how do I tell my parents? Me and my boyfriend always said that if I got pregnant we would sit down and tell my parents together. Is that a good idea? If not, how should I tell them? It has to be done very delicately because my mom always told me she would kill me if I got pregnant. Also how do I tell my friends? Should I even tell them, unless they are close? I mean they will find out eventually anyway. So yeah… those are my questions. Thanks in advance everyone, and please don’t judge me. You have to understand that I am so very scared, but so very very very excited at the same time. *Also me and my boyfriend both have jobs, we will not be depending on the government for money at all.
A: i tihnk you are being very mature in this situation, and no1 has a right to judge you. i think your approach is very good and if your parents love you they will understand.
what to do?? please help me?
Q: okay my best friend jsut turned 18. she is about 3 or 4 months pregnant her boyfriend is in jail.. she comes over to my apartment and i feel as if she muches off of me.. such as a place to sleep at night when she is arguing with her parents or food to eat when she don’t want to go home.. i have a little girl that will be 2 in march and my boyfriend and myself have it hard enough trying to raise her and pay bills.. also this friend of mine wants to take a bunch of money to bail her boyfriend out i think its so stupid that she wants to do that and she wants my boyfriend to help her do it.. i honestly don’t want him to. her boyfriend also has like 2 or 3 other kids that he don’t take care of.. i think he is using my friend until she gets him out of jail and then he is going to leave her and be a dead beat dad i don’t want to start a fight with her i love her like a sister we grew up together and i don’t want to lose a good friend but im sick of her.. also i asked her to run me to the dollar store the other day and she told me she couldn’t she was going to stay with her aunt which was okay you know no big deal i had me mom come get me and take me. then the next morning i seen her driving past my house and her car was white smoking like it had not been started all night and it was early so i know damn well she didn’t get up that early to go get a friend.. she stayed down there and she lied to me and she is using me and im sick of it im ready to just start ignoring her.. should i?? also she wants us to let her boyfriend use our address so they can live otu of state while he’s on probabtion.. but she don’t want to help me im sick of it so sick of it..
A: Tell her this. Tell her you feel like she is using your friendship because that is what I see happening. Let her know you aren’t comfortable with your child growing up with a bad influence around and that you are not willing to compromise your family for her. She needs to grow up before she has her baby and stand on her own two feet. Do not under any pressure let them use your address. You could get fined big time if you lie to the authorities. Do not let her push you on this. I would not let her in your family’s life, it sounds dangerous.Good Luck!
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