When does the new season of 16 and pregnant begin

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’16 and Pregnant’ returns with new girls, new stories and all-new drama. Watch the Season 2 premiere February 16 at 10/9c. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-does-the-new-season-of-16-and-pregnant-begin ]
More Answers to “When does the new season of 16 and pregnant begin
When does the new season of 16 and pregnant begin
’16 and Pregnant’ returns with new girls, new stories and all-new drama. Watch the Season 2 premiere February 16 at 10/9c.
How to get on 16 and pregnant?
16 and Pregnant. Maci is the classic overachiever at her high school in Chattanooga,TN. She gets good grades, is on the cheerleading squad and plays softball. She keeps in touch with her wild side by riding dirt bikes. Her boyfriend Ryan……

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How Do You Feel About “Secret life of The American Teenager” Show?
Q: I’m really starting to be disappointed in this show especially with the new 2010 season. In the beginning when we find out that Amy is pregnant, everyone is shocked considering she is 16 and sex is mentioned but not often. Grace is this very contemporary girl who is a devoted christian and believe that sex should be within marriage. Majority of the other characters besides Adrian and Ricky do have sex but its not shocking.Now with this new season, sex is every other word and they make it seem like its an activity. They are making sex have this pointless meaning and just something do to. Everyone besides Amy, wants to have sex and they do not care who it really is. The producer of the show produced 7th heaven-a show a family could watch. This show is really only for adults and probably shouldn’t be shown on abc Family. What do yall think?No, its making every teenager think its okay to have sex with whom ever and to believe their are no consequences. It’s not attractive.It’s call the secret life of the american teenager ..not teenagers. Yes teens do have sex, but this show portrays that its okay to do it whenever and with anyone who wants to. Most teens who do have sex regret it later on in life. It seemed like the show would be about how difficult it is to be a teen mom and you should consider the consequences of having sex…but Amy still seems to have it easy.LunaKitty, I competely agree with you 100%. Especially with the whole response about Grace…she was the great role model and I don’t understand why did not leave her that way. The show has become disappointing
A: I agree, it is not even entertaining when every character has sex or wants to have sex with every other character. It was an interesting idea but it’s not even remotely realistic anymore. And the only word they ever say is ‘sex.’ My sister and I counted the number of times they said it in one episode and the result was 69. :PThe most frustrating thing is how they make it seem like EVERY teen is concerned with sex. Not everyone is like that. We know nothing about the characters other than their family lives and their sex lives : / And once Grace lost her virginity, they took away the role model she was, so there is no longer a lesson to learn from the show (yes, Amy got pregnant, but she had two guys after her! That doesn’t happen : / )
who did not kno???
Q: if u did not kno ur slow read or u can read or go on the sight http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071221/ap_en_ce/jamie_lynn_spears LOS ANGELES – Just a week ago, the producers of Jamie Lynn Spears’ hit TV show “Zoey 101″ were wondering how fans might react to a plotline that had her character thinking of leaving her fantasy-land boarding school.ADVERTISEMENTNow that Spears has disclosed that she’s pregnant, the network has an even bigger, real-life plot twist to wrestle with.The news came at an awkward time. The fourth season of the show has already been shot and is set to begin airing in February on Nickelodeon.Executives must now figure out how to promote a program aimed at preteen girls whose 16-year-old role-model has tumbled from her pedestal.It doesn’t help either that Spears is the younger sister of tabloid wild child Britney Spears, the one-time Disney Mousketeer who has been locked in a bitter court battle for months with ex-husband Kevin Federline over custody of her two young children.”The whole Spears family seems to be a disaster scenario,” said media consultant Jonathan Taplin, who is not connected to the show.For now, Nickelodeon is standing behind Jamie Lynn Spears and the show.Her picture is still featured prominently on the Nick.com Web site, and the “Zoey 101″ message board is still open, although there is no mention of her pregnancy or her relationship with Casey Aldridge, her baby’s teen father.”Nickelodeon hasn’t announced any schedule changes,” network spokeswoman Marianne Romano said when asked if the show’s fourth season would go ahead as planned.Nickelodeon officials declined to say whether Spears would continue to promote the show with personal appearances and taped announcements. Spears’ spokeswoman, Holly Shakoor, did not respond to phone and e-mail requests for comment.In an interview with The Associated Press a month before her announcement, Spears made no mention of her pregnancy, saying among other things that she was looking forward to going skiing over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.The usually self-assured young star did express uncertainty about her future.”I guess it will all fall into place. You know?” she said.Production on the show’s fourth season was completed months ago, and the network had said even before Spears’ pregnancy announcement that there were no plans to film any more episodes.The fate of the upcoming season is likely in the hands of Spears’ audience, with the network forced to wait and see how reaction plays out, Taplin said.”I don’t think the ‘PR Consultant’s Emergency Manual’ has a section on children’s stars getting pregnant,” he added.Nickelodeon spokesman Dan Martinsen has said the network is considering addressing the Spears pregnancy issue by having veteran newswoman Linda Ellerbee, who anchors its “Nick News” children’s specials, host one about sex and love.Spears’ pregnancy was the talk of the campus at a suburban Los Angeles middle school, where a handful of preteen “Zoey” fans said they were shocked and disappointed in the teen star.”It’s disappointing because you looked up to her and now she’s going like her sister,” said 12-year-old Stephanie Noriega. “She used to be smart and everything and not do anything bad. And now she’s starting to.”Sixth-grader Isabella Galeazzi said she likely would continue to watch the show, although she thought Spears’ behavior “sends a bad message” to her fans.Like other students, she said her parents had discussed Spears’ announcement with her but had not told her to tune the show out.”My mom said it’s like OK because it’s just a show, she’s just an actor. It’s not like Zoey is really her,” Galeazzi said.Spears actually has handled the situation about as well as she could under the circumstances, said veteran Hollywood publicist David Brokaw.”She was very forthcoming,” Brokaw said. “If you want to do proper crisis management, the best thing to do is come forward and be candid and direct about what happened and you can avoid a lot of unpleasant consequences.”Still, he said, her announcement represents a public relations problem for the network in terms of viewership.”She’s a role model, and you just hope that parents and others that deal with parenting will come forward and say she made a mistake,” Brokaw said. “This is not a model for what a 16-year-old should be doing.”
A: zzzzzzzzzz
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