When you take a pregnancy test what is the sign for pregnant

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That depends entirely on the pregnancy test’ brand. There are literally dozens, and each one has an entirely different sign. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-take-a-pregnancy-test-what-is-the-sign-for-pregnant ]
More Answers to “When you take a pregnancy test what is the sign for pregnant
Could i be pregnant and when can i take a test are these signs of…?
Since this is the 21st day of your cycle, those could very well be symptoms! They could also just be signs that your period is coming. Just wait until the day your period is due. If it is not here, THEN take a test. If it comes, then you kn…
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When Is The Right Time To Take A Pregnancy Test?
Q: We are trying to concieve. My cycle is usually 26-28 days. It is now day 30 and no period. I am always regular. My breasts have been sore all month long and I have been very tired. Also, I have been getting tiny little cramps that last less than a second for the past week. I dont know if that means I am going to start or if it is an early sign of pregnancy. When is the best time to take a home pregnancy test and rule out false negatives. I dont want to take one and it say I am not pregnant if I am in fact pregnant. Also, what is the best brand? Thank you!I did ask a similar question earlier but I wanted a little more feedback! Thank you!!!
A: i am currently going through the same thing. I am usually regular as well and i am currently 4 days late, I have been having mild cramping ( dull menstrual cramps) and frequent urination. I took a hpt this morning and came out neg. I was told by a nurse that it is still too soon and that i should wait a week and if still no period than try again. Hcg ( pregnancy hormone) takes a while to detect in some women and some can get a pos result 4 or 5 days before expected period. Good luck hope this sort of answers your question!!!
Could i be pregnant and when can i take a test are these signs of pregnancy ?
Q: Could i be pregnant and when can i take a test are these signs of pregnancy ?me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on the 9th all the way up to the 13th of december and he *** in me every time my last period was about the 22th of november my cycle is usually not normal it sometimes doesn’t come till about the the 34th day we both want the baby and are planning to keep on trying i sometimes have sore pains at my uterus and a sharp pain in my lower abdomen area and some cramping at times and i have a sore head sometimes i also sometimes have a higher temperature then usual and my boobs are tender and my nipples are sore feeling a little sick and i get sick coming up my throat but i haven’t actually been fully sick my stomach feels like it is turning all the time and really upset. Sorry for ths but i also have had a think white creamy like discharge it is not clear and sticky like usual. Please let me know what you think wen can a take a test?
A: Not to be rude or anything but you’ve been asking this question more than 10 times.You don’t like the answers people give you or what? It doesn’t matter how many times you post this question up, the answer will be the same.
Could I be pregnant? Mothers, what were your first signs of pregnancy? How early is too early to take a test?
Q: Let’s see. My last period was March 20. Me and my bf had a lot of sex, especially around my ovulation time. I was looking at a “conception calculator” and it showed up to be April 1, which we had sex a couple times that day. My usual period comes on the 15th.We’ve had false alarms before, more me getting my hopes up, but I’m hoping this time it’s for real. Symptoms:I’ve been ravenously hungry.I’ve been utterly exhausted.I’ve had headaches on and off.My gums have been bleeding a little before, like I can taste blood in my mouth after brushing my teeth, and that has never happened to me before.I have a “full” feeling.I’ve been extremely moody. Yesterday I cried because I accidentally heated up my chicken too much. I’ve had white/clear discharge.Around the 15th I had a little brown discharge.I don’t know if this was my imagination, but when I was trying on bras at Walmart today, the veins across my breasts were more prominent, especially the ones across my aerolas leading to my nipples.Also, my aerolas are darker than they ever have been.Also, I normally take a C, but today I had to buy D’s.I’ve been nauseous on and off.I’ve had to go to the bathroom like every hour.I’ve been constipated.I’ve been having heartburn with foods that don’t normally give me heartburn.I’ve also had small cramps, thinking I was going to start my period, but it never came.I’m also about a week late.My period was due the 15th, and I took a test on the 13th, and it came out negative. Now for my questions.In your opinion, does it sound like I’m pregnant?Mothers, what were your first signs of pregnancy?How long after your missed period did it take for you to get a positive pregnancy test?What are the best pregnancy tests?
A: To me it sounds like you are pregnant. I was a week late when I had cramping like my period was going to start, but it didn’t and I was pregnant, I would test, it would be accurate by now, good luck, hope you get it!!
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