Where is the uterus at fifteen weeks pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Where is the uterus at fifteen weeks pregnant”,you can compare them.

At 15 weeks, the uterus will have risen and is starting to rise past the mother’s hip bones. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-is-the-uterus-at-fifteen-weeks-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Where is the uterus at fifteen weeks pregnant
What size is uterus at 15 weeks?
The answer varies depending on how many children the woman has had, whether she is having multiples and maybe a few other things. Doctors measure the uterus by using a tape measure on the centimeter side. The start at the top of the pubic b…
Can’t feel uterus at 15 weeks?
you most likely won’t feel it at 13 weeks but i could feel mine at 15 weeks but i was showing too. lay on your back and suck in jsut a little bit
How many weeks would you be if your uterus is 15.4cm long??
A typical 15cm uterus is that of a woman who is about 18 weeks pregnant (Based on the US method on calculating pregnancy; from the last menstrual period. Other system it would be 16 weeks.)

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Tilted uterus or something wrong?
Q: My last midwife appointment at thirteen weeks. Had difficulty finding a heartbeat and I measured small. She said she thought I had a tilted uterus. And that between fourteen and sixteen weeks it should pop up and I would suddenly look pregnant. I am fifteen almost sixteen weeks now and it still hasn’t happened. I have had three previous babies and was showing by now with all. Is there anything else that could cause me not to show or be able to really feel where the baby is?
A: The correct term is a retroverted uterus but essentially refers to a variation of normal where your womb tilts backwards compared to normal. This occurs in around 20 per cent of women and usually causes no problems at all. It often only comes to light during pregnancy or when a coil is fitted (occasionally taking smears or fitting a coil can be a little more difficult in such cases) and the best treatment as such is no treatment ie it is best left alone. It resoves simply. I hope this reassures you.
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