Who is the oldest person to ever get pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health Demographics History .We found some answers as below for this question “Who is the oldest person to ever get pregnant”,you can compare them.

The oldest woman was 66. Her name is Adriana Iliescu. She gave birth to a baby girl on Jan. 17. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-oldest-person-to-ever-get-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Who is the oldest person to ever get pregnant
How old is the oldest a person can get pregnant??
You can’t have children until you reach menopause which is usually late 40s-50s and sometimes in your 60s.. I applaud you for waiting till your married to share yourself with that one special guy. You don’t see that often these days, but I …
How old was the yongest person to get pregnant?
The youngest person ive ever heard of being pregnant was a 9 year old on t.v. and she had the baby at age 10 .. she lived
Who was the oldest person ever?
Ms. Jeanne Calment lived from 1875-1997 and was the oldest person to ever live. She died at 122 years & 164 days old! That’s well over a century! Ask us

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who is the youngest person to ever get pregnant?
Q: i see people on here all the time who are prego and are only 13..but who is the youngest person to ever get prego and how old was she?
A: The youngest pregnant person on record was 5 years old and from Peruvia. Her name was Lina Medina.
Has anyone ever had a teenage friend who was purposely trying to get pregnant?
Q: When I was 16 I had a 16 year old friend who was trying to get pregnant. She thought that “Maybe having a kid will bring a little joy into my life.” She had been on birth control but she stopped taking it and the person she was sleeping with didn’t know that. This was several years ago. She didn’t get pregnant, I don’t know where she is now but she probably has a kid or has had an abortion.
A: I had a close friend that wanted a baby when she was in the 8th grade and guess what? She was pregnant by the 9th grade. She kept the baby and has had 2 more since then, married her baby daddy and settled down. In this case, it was just a small town mentality.
Have you ever fell in love w/person who is 22 y/o older than you?
Q: I just found out, that I love one man, who is 50. He is married and his oldest son is 28 as I am. We are working together and always talking and laughing. He is the smartest man I’ve ever knew. I was in love so many times, bur I’ve never expirienced smth like it. We got unprotected sex once, a week ago and since we didn’t talk enough. If I’ll become pregnant I’ll be very happy. He seems upset. At the any case, I don’t want him nor to brake his family down neither make him responsible for my crazy behavior. Can I just let myself love him w/o any dreams about it or I need to tell him the true about my feelings? I guess I’ll scary him to death then. Don’t you think that the 22 years between us make our relationship impossible? I’ll appreciated yours oppinions.
A: Love knows no age….besides age is just a number. You have bigger problems than age. 1st he is married…and probably wants to stay that way..2nd raising a child alone is a big responsibility (if you did in fact conceive ) You need to really think about the whole picture not just bits and pieces.
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