Who was the oldest woman ever to get pregnant

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She was 59 and was in the Guinness Book of world records for years. Everybody older than her used IVF and infertility drugs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-was-the-oldest-woman-ever-to-get-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Who was the oldest woman ever to get pregnant
What is the oldest age a woman can get pregnant??
It depends on the woman because every woman is different, but up to when they have the menopause they can still get pregnant, but it’s less likely
Can a 50 year old woman get pregnant
Not Medical Advice: A woman who has not reached menopause still has the possibility of conceiving. The oldest mother on record gave birth at 66yrs old to twins.
Can a 90 year old women get pregnant?
If science WERE able to implant an embryo in a ninety year old women, No. 1 the implant would undoubtly never take. No.2 if by some quirk of fate it did adhere to the uterine wall, it would not have enough nutrients or adequate rich blood s…

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Have you ever known a woman who was married, got pregnant by another guy and didn’t tell her husband?
Q: One of my wife’s friend just told her that her middle child (a 12 year old) is by another guy “and Eric doesn’t know.” I told her to keep quiet about it – that Eric and the kids would be devastated if they found out the truth. Is that the right advice? I know the guy is being taken advantage of, but he loves “his” kids and I don’t see any reason to hurt him (or the kid) by telling him the truth. What do you think?
A: I don’t know anyone like that and I’d like to keep it that way. However, even if he did find out it doesn’t necessarily mean he would neglect the child. Bonds like that are hard to break and most people would not want to. The fault lies with the pathetic excuse of a wife.Any woman that does something like that is scum. It’s not fair to the child or the husband. She’d better pray the kid never needs anything medical-related from dear old dad.
Single Pregnant Woman/Mothers?
Q: Hello ladies. I hope your friday is going well. Well I will be 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I am a single and 25 years old pregnant with my first child ever..(meaning no miscarriages and not abortions) I couldnt be more excited to meet my little man. I do have a boyfriend of 4 years who is the father of our child. He couldnt be more excited to be a daddy either… My question for single mothers..how do you deal with being a single mother…me myself I have not intention on getting married anytime soon or if I will get married at all in my life time… I have never been the type of woman to want to get married. But I have always wanted children.. My friends and family do not understand why,but its my choice to not be married…Yes I have a full time job..a home..a car..insurance life..health..and dental for im very well off on taking care of my son..I just wanted to know any life stories or life lessons that you single mothers have. Share all the times you share with your child.WI MOM yes it still looks good…Those facts do not tell me anything about my child and how im going to raise him..how you put something on here about abuse at that..because im a single mother your saying im going to abuse my little boy..next person please. I ASKED FOR SINGLE MOTHERS LIFE STORIES…AND HAVING THERE CHILDREN..no someone that just wants to look on the internet for all the negative things and not one good thing about being a single parent…what about woman that have had fathers in the home..that has passed away or has left the family in a divorce are there children destine for these things to happen…what about woman that want to adopt but have never married..are you saying because they are not married they should not have the right to have kids/adopt (there are plenty of single mothers that qualify to adopt a child)..but sorry get off my question page and keep it moving…had to vent on that one for a moment…
A: First, I wanna say YOU’RE AWESOME!!! I got pregnant when I was 20 with my boyfried (at the time) of 3 years. My family (mom especially) was trying to pressure us into getting married, but to me, there was no reason to rush. I mean, as far as my religious background, “the sin had already occurred”, so why go and get married just because I was pregnant. I was also told by my father (though I was 4.0 college student) that I had F’d up my life…..really what I needed to hear. My boyfriend and I stayed together and ended up getting an apartment together…..and let me tell you….you really don’t know someone until you live with them. Messy, messy, messy just doesn’t say enough. But, we stuck it out, had our ups and downs, and had our beautiful….I mean handsome….baby boy.2 1/2 years later……we eventually got married…..and had a very special “ringbearer” at our wedding.GOOD LUCK…….Sounds like you’ll do great
Has anyone ever heard of women getting pregnant on purpose without telling their boyfriend?
Q: I started dating this girl about a month ago. I was told by my friend’s brother not to trust her when she tells me I don’t need to use a condom because she’s on the birth control pill. He says he has friends who have been in similar situactions and the girl lied about being on the pill and got pregnant on purpose to try to “trap” the guy. He said in my situation I’d be a prime “candidate” since I’m dating an older woman and her clock is ticking (I’m 22, she’s 33). She doesn’t have any kids now but told me she would love to have some one day. Last night I suggested using a condom in addition to her being on the pill and she got real offended and said I don’t trust her, etc etc and she said she wouldn’t have sex if we used a condom since it’s unromantic.What do you all think? I think it would be pretty low for a woman to do that to a guy but I definitly am not ready for a kid at all right now!!! Any advice? Thanks.
A: Yes, I’ve heard of this…I know a guy, and his girlfriend (now wife) poked holes in the condoms before they used them… They now have 4 kids, all of them “accidents”…GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN…And the pill won’t help you if she’s got crotch crickets…
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