Why cant some people get pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why cant some people get pregnant”,you can compare them.

For some they only have one ovary while others don’t have enough eggs to produce a baby. Keep on asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-cant-some-people-get-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Why cant some people get pregnant
Why cant they get people pregnant
Male vampires can impregnate humans most successfully, two vampires cannot reproduce. ChaCha for now!
Why cant some people get pregnant when they want to do so?
Getting pregnant is really out of the control of women.Many factors have to be right for this to happen.
Why do people choose to get pregnant and they cant afford it??
Well first time I got pregnant I couldn’t really afford it but didn’t believe in abortion so I kept him and was on medicaid. By the 2nd baby and 3rd baby and now 4th my luck has changed. I see people abusing the system everywhere acting lik…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why cant some people get pregnant when they want to do so?
A: Getting pregnant is really out of the control of women.Many factors have to be right for this to happen.
why do pregnant women or people who cant concieve get so judgmental about women who have abortions?
Q: sometimes contraception fails us, its not our fault in the slightest. its the womens choice to do what she want with her body. i hear some people say ‘why cant they have it and give the baby to some1 who will love it’ but why should a women do that? its her choice. i think its ok to terminate a couple of cells its not like its a fully grown baby!! i understand it must be hard for other people who want a child to hear but they should respect other people desicions
A: These women are just bitter and angry and take it out on other people. I’m sorry they have experienced difficulty conceiving, but it doesn’t give them the right to think other women shouldn’t have rights.
Teens, why is it that some people cant get pregnant?
Q: At my church there is this married couple who have been trying to have a baby for about 2 years now. They put it in the prayer request form.well I think I now what the 2 main problems are #1 The man well he wears tighty whities so therefore his dick aint getting no air, HE SHOULD WEAR BOXES SO his thing can breathe#2 The girl is too ugly so he is not being turned on during sex. If she was beautiful then she would have produced enough sperm to have 10 babies AM I RIGHT?
A: you’re kinda right on #1 because if he’s too hot down there he can kill off his sperm . As for #2 her being ugly/pretty has no effect on how much sperm he makes . It’s more likely a plumbing problem one or both of their ends that can be caused by multiple medical conditions or medicines they may be taking.
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