Why do I have an older brother

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You have an older brother because your mother was pregnant with him before you. Having an older brother isn’t a bad thing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-have-an-older-brother ]
More Answers to “Why do I have an older brother
Why do I have an older brother
You have an older brother because your mother was pregnant with him before you. Having an older brother isn’t a bad thing!
My older brother is such a momma’s boy. How do I get him to be ma…?
This is what you need to do First of all, you need to beat him up. Just give him one real good **** whooping. It’s best for him in the long run. Second, get him out with you and your friends. Introduce him to drinking. Try to get him addict…
My older brother is a CD. Says he dreams every day of becoming fe…?
If she wants to go thru the sex change encourage her to do it. Encourage her to be a girl based on your personal experience as one. You should know what would be good and not good for her to do. It would make her feel so much better knowing…

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Why my older brother was charged with tax evasion?
Q: He was started a retail business without collecting tax and he claim that USA is not a socialist country and that the government has no right to force his business to collect tax, thus making his business more profitable as clients did not have to pay tax in his business and he didn’t pay the government any retail tax He was booked on charges yesterday of criminal tax evasion and he was force to shut down. Do you think this is unfair to my brother? Should I sue the government for violating my brother’s business rights?
A: You have no standing to sue. If your story is true, your brother deliberately broke the law and will be sent to prison. Maybe he can share a cell with Wesley Snipes who also deliberately broke the law.But your story is not true. The Federal government would not charge him for failing to collect state taxes, the state would do that. And the charge would not be tax evasion. Next time make your question more realistic.
Why are older brothers so protective of their little sisters?
Q: I have an older brother and although both of us are married with our own lives, sometimes I feel like he still sees me as a baby (we’re 10 years apart.) My husband says its a good thing because it shows that he is caring. Although is does not bother me at all, i am just wondering why older brothers are generally protective of their younger sisters?
A: I think it’s because it’s they way you’re parents raised him. As a child they probably always told him to watch after you. And it’s just something he used to.
Why are older brothers overprotective of their little sisters?
Q: Hey. i am 13 and have three older brothers ages 15. 17, 17 and no other siblings. my brothers are more protective of me than my parents, and care more about my school stuff and what i’m doing(as a result, i am constantly deleting my history, texts, calls, emails, etc. if u have older brothers: are your(s) overprotective? Do u know why?if u are an older brother: are you overprotective of your younger sister? if so, why?Otherwise, answer question to the best of your ability
A: I, myself, am the youngest. However, there’s the scientific reason and the more social reason.The social reason: They care for you and they feel that they should protect you, for you ARE the youngest and you ARE a girl. The last phrase seems a little sexist, but it’s the truth: women are viewed weaker than men and should behave more politely and exceptional than men. Your brothers just want you to do your best because it’s expected of you and they want a good future for you.(Just to be a little off-topic, they might also want you, unconsciously or consciously, to not end up like those other wash-up girls that they hear about or talk with).There’s the more scientific, blander way of thinking (unless you want me to pitch a boring science book for you to read, I would suggest skipping this). It was suggested by Richard Dawkins I believe. He said that most mammals are programmed with a desire to protect their family members from harm. Not for the creature’s survival, but for the genes’ ( you know, DNA?). He says that if genes did not drive creatures to protect other creatures with the same genes, they probably would have have been worse than genes that did encourage this, thus causing them to become a minority in the gene pool. This drive is only natural. If you want to find out more (or if your school requires you to read a biology book), then read the Selfish Gene. Hope you can read through the wall of text.
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