Why do pregnant women’s backs hurt

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A pregnant woman’s back will hurt because it has a hard time adjusting to the growing weight of the baby and stomach. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-pregnant-women%27s-backs-hurt ]
More Answers to “Why do pregnant women’s backs hurt
Is it normal for a pregnant woman’s lower back to hurt right afte…?
I think it is normal-I experienced the same thing with both of my pregnancies with no bad effects to me or the baby. Keep having fun!
Is it normal for a pregnant woman’s hips and back to hurt at 3 mo…?
Yes, as your body grows your back is carrying more weight.Your hips are also spreading to make room for the next 6 months. ChaCha!

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Early pregnant, and dumped by my boyfriend. Hurt and shocked and confused, please help me?
Q: My erratic boyfriend kept me hidden from his so call crazy mum for years, she was his excuse for not living toghether. I have been understandng and accepting htis and gave himloads of space and time to ‘sort things out with his mum so she can accept us as this is very stressful for him’. I hanged on for 2 yrs but nothing chaqnged, in the end he dumped me and i moved out of our rented place, because he was spending 6 days out of 7 at his mums all the time anyway ( one of my reasons for leaving). After 2 months, he comes back all ‘changed’ and promising me the moon and the stars, and admitting he has taken me for granted, and please can i give him another chance. As he is one to talk but not too good at actions, I was very hesitant, but to cut the story short, I fell for it, i accepted him back into my life, and last month ‘we’ got pregnant. I was excited but scared too, and really reassured to see his reactions, he was really happy and talked about having a family etc etc. I pointed out he still didnt tell him mum (where he is still living) that me and him got back together. He said soon we will sit down withthem to talk.He said especially if im pregnant, that will give him more of a back up in front of his mum. I did point out he is 29, not 16 anymore, and it doesnt matter if im pregnant or not for him to stand up for me in front of his mum! he sweet talkedme to ‘wait’. However, yesterday we had a row, I couldnt deal with being kept on the side so, i went to his mums door and told her everything, that me and his son are together, that he is planning to live with me, and that i am pregnant and its only fair she knows as well; the woman’s reaction was well, why was i a fool to believe a man, basically she accused me of falling pregnant. to cut it short, i printed off all the courting emails his son has sent me, in which he bad mouths his mum, and speaks of a life together with me, speaks of getting married and is excited about me expecting and I gave them all to his mum late in the night. by mistake ( i was crying , in a state when printing in a net cafe and didnt pay attention), i didnt notice ina thread it was one of the emails where my bf is talking ina short paragraph about him being raped as a child. i knew that since i have met him and i supported his erratic feelings whenever i could, although he did bring me down stoo many times.she is shocked today and she arranged a meeting next thu for me, my bf, his step dad, to discuss the future. i feel like what the hell, we are almost 30, been together for 3 yrs, whats it got to do with them> ? All my frinds told me my bf is immature… he today duymped me for going over his word and breaking the news to his mum. ( although i did that out of exhasperation of being kept in the dark for years, and cos of his sneakiness).he told me i had no right to tell him mum he was raped. which he is right. but i didnt notice that email squeezed through.last night, before he knew whats the emails given to his mum contained, he also dumped me for daring to break the news of being pregnant to his folks, which he says he should have done. ( Last week we were talking of breaking the news together, obviously he had different plans again)………… he says he wants everythign to do with the baby but he hates me and wants nothign to do with me. i am so hurt.he calls me selfish and cruel and he is happy to have been done with me… this guy has never catered for my feelings. i feel in shock. what can i do next? should i humuliate myself and go to the meeting with his folks next thu? Btw in the meanwhile, my bf dumped me, and says he doesnt want to hear from me.I’m sorry I wrote this much. I am crying and didnt; edit my writting. It only took me 5mins lol. If you saw this guy’s sweet talking, you wuld fall for it too. But everytime I dare question him, he calls me selfish and never gives me answers. Really, if you saw his courting, you would fall for it too. But in truth, his words never matched his actions. I only have to mention that to him and he cuts me off with a ‘yeah, you think i’m that bad , heh, I ‘m alwasy the bad one; but you fail to see you are a selfish b_tch’. I really loved this guy. I think the fact that he was raped as a child and never talked to anyone about it reall ymesses him up.
A: Whew!!! That was long!!! It’s okay. Girl, you already gave him another chance and he proved he doesn’t deserve it. I must tell you, for the sake of your baby, you gotta think straight now. Don’t think of the problems he’s causing you. You gotta think of happy things every moment so your baby feels the same. Think of how you coud raise your baby healthy and beautiful. Don’t or avoid being stressed out, it’s bad for you a nd the baby. Prioritize baby’s health and yours. Leave that immature man behind. Let him learn.
Why do girls think they have it so much harder?
Q: I’ll start off by saying the troubles in both sexes’ lives are even in American society. I have examined the struggles of both, and they seem to balance out very evenly to me. It is true that girls have periods and that they are the ones to get pregnant. Periods may be a regular cycle, but they do not occur all the time, obviously. And I undertand that I ‘don’t understand how it is because I’m a guy.’ I get that. So I’ll leave it at that. And in this country women have very equal rights at this point. They are in the government, police force, army, and any place you could imagine. You may say that it was discrimination against females that caused Hilary Clinton not to win the Democratic Election, but that’s just the way it turned out… If she had won, everyone would have said Barack Obama lost because of racism. I understand that girls are more pressured to look good and be seen as perfect because some guys can be shallow and pig-headed. But to us respectable, deep, sensitive guys, that can be very difficult. I think the men who are still boorish losers are the thing that makes it hard for guys in general. Check out this logic: women may have insecurities of their appearances, but guys have a deeper insecurity ground into them by society; they are just as insecure as women. Guys are always expected to be tough, hard, and emotionless. Even if women don’t expect this from them, guys expect this from each other. The vast majority put on a shield constantly, always having to look the biggest and the baddest. Many guys just shut out their emotions save anger. Crying is very discouraged, and we generally don’t discuss our feelings, so it’s all bottled up. And I’d like to clear up a misconception; men are just as emotional as women naturally (assuming it’s not the woman’s time of the month), and as small children and babies, boys cry just as much as girls. But at some time, they are forced to ‘grow thicker skin.’ Think about that – everything that is held inside. It’s difficult.And the idiotic, selfish guys who remain shatter the image of nicer guys. Sensitive guys have to hide their softer sides and generally choose to put on their own facades. If they don’t, they will get screwed over, most likely. The agressiveness men have developed from being the ‘protectors’ over the centuries is a pain. Women tend to assume that guys have shells and are emotionless, that they just don’t have that same feeling; but when we are hurt, it’s been ground into our nature to withdraw into ourselves and hide or snap back. It’s rare that you actually see us hurt. And guys usually discard emotions as childish and pathetic to a point that it annoys me. When I actually have to vent my feelings, I go to my ex-girlfriend (one of my best friends) to talk it out because other guys are not interested in that, or are intimidated by it. Thankfully, she understands that men have feelings too, and she told me that she wishes her boyfriend were more sensitive like I am. She says I am the only guy she can actually go to for compassion and understanding, which really is a shame.Women don’t like the way men can be. I’ve found that the tough guy act definitely turns them off and that they may have problems with the gender as a whole because they assume that’s the way all guys are. My ex told me that I’m not a ‘true guy.’ She says that’s a good thing because I’m not some pig like so many can be. She said I’m masculine and obviously straight, but I’m not the type to stare at girls, and she knows I truely care. My point in bringing this up is that it’s a trap guys fall into; they ridicule each other when they see any actual compassion, and they think that everything has to, somehow, involve ‘getting some,’ or that acts of kindness have dirty intentions. It’s just what most of us learn. I am known as a pretty nice person, kind to both guys and girls. That whole ‘bros before hoes’ expression is such garbage. You should like people for who they really are. One of my friends told me I’m only nice to get some, then went around telling a bunch of girls that. I tried reasoning with him, and explaining that I’m just respectful and treat all as I want to be treated. That didn’t work, and unfortuantely, I had to retaliate, or just shake it off. It’s sad, really, the way guys can be. I’d consider myself masculine and all, but I think I am more the way guys should be. Strong when necessary, but truely caring. My point is that guys live in a cruel, violent world among one another, trapped into acting as something they are not. I suppose it is hard for women to deal with most of us, now that I think of it… But I hope to begin changing that. Bottom line, men have equal struggles to women, and I think girls should think before they say they wish they were guys because they would ‘have it easier.’Feel free to give opinions. Thanks.
A: ay dios mio mijo you write more than i do!im sorry but i tried though.you seem like a great guy and if you’re being for reals, wow! but anyways, we might have it equal but in a way we go through more emotionally. if i would’ve not cared about so much stuff and just whatever, things would be easy…:D
Why would an Adopted Child Want to Come back?
Q: I’m asking this b/c I just read a post where a woman put her baby up for adoption. She got pregnant at 15, her parents made her give up the baby. She said she pushed the ordeal out of her mind, and married at 22 to a man she met in college. Now at 40, she’s still married to the same person, with 3 children…apparently a week ago, the child she gave up at 15, contacted the woman’s parents(the child’s grandparents), and stated she wanted she wanted to meet her mother…Now here is where I have a problem with this! The woman said she never told her husband about the child she gave up, but she thought about her often. However, the woman didn’t go looking for the child, and now she is worried about having never told her children and husband about it..so now she forced to tell them b/c her daughter is trying to contact her…I think this is very selfish! If a mother gave her child up for adoption and made no efforts to find him/her later, and has essentially moved on with her life…why doesn’t the adoptee? Why impose yourself on them? It might sound selfish from my POV, but think about this woman who has mixed feelings, and might ruin her relationship with her family…I don’t know what goes on in the head of an adopted child, and why they feel the need to go look for their mother who gave them up…but whatever life they have, they need to let it be, and not cause more hurt…If you’re an adopted kid/adult, how do you feel about this? or if you’re not, do you disagree or agree with me? or even a woman who gave up her child?To “Proud”:..I completely understand your answer, but the question wasn’t if they want to contact their biological parent(s), it’s if they should, and is it the right thing to do? of course, you’d want to, and have every right and freedom to do so…but one would have to look at what type of emotion they would bring on the other family…In situations like this, it’s not always about what (the adopted child) wantsTo “KidMindi”…while I’m very sorry about what you went through and the lies you were told…I really think your situation is just a little different than the question at hand…If I were told by my grandparents that my dad was my brother, I would probably want to know what the heck was going on as wellTo “XOXOXO”…wow, thank you for that very honest answer…I think this is the reality that a lot of people are missingTo “Can’tStop”…I’m sorry but I have to 100% disagree…you, being an adult(I’m assuming) should know that in this current time, that a MOTHER, and FAMILY CAN’T be defined as just a person giving birth to you…You use the words: denied, not knowing your 1st mother, or family…NO, if you were lucky enough to have a great adoptive mother, then this is your family…these people that a person does not know, of which they had no contributions to your growing years, are not family…if you meet them or not, so be it…but don’t act like it’s an injustice and you’re losing somethingTo “Can’tStop” AGAIN…I feel as if I got a little off my topic w/ you..I’m sorry..I was speaking in general..not to you personally…I don’t know what kind of situation you grew up in, being adopted..if it wasn’t the best environment, I understand and respect your opinion of wanting to go back..Im sure everyone would have that desire…my thoughts are that it might not be the best thing, just b/c “that’s what you want”. You called them family, which they are not, that’s what I didn’t understand
A: Gee, I’m sorry this letter upset you so much. It’s probably hard to have much empathy when you grow up with your natural family, knowledge of your roots, and not having to try to fit in with your other “new” family of strangers for 15 years.I have no sympathy much respect for a grown (40!) year old woman who has lived a LIE to her husband and children for all this time. What a coward. Adoption is not the witness protection program. She was well aware that this might happen eventually–gimme a break.Unlike her mother, this girl is brave and intellectually curious–how refreshing. I’m only sorry her mother is too scared and emotionally weak to enjoy the wonder of her child coming back to her. What a shame for this kid.
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