Why would a person dream they are pregnant

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To dream of having a baby can symbolize the birth of a new attitude or viewpoint; new project; new recognition or acceptance MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-would-a-person-dream-they-are-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Why would a person dream they are pregnant
Why would a person dream they are pregnant
To dream of having a baby can symbolize the birth of a new attitude or viewpoint; new project; new recognition or acceptance MORE?
Can you get pregnant if the person has not had their wet dream??
Yes– many people never have wet dreams, but are fertile and surely capable of impregnating you.
Can a person relive someone else’s pregnancy through their own dr…?
Even if this were possible — which it’s NOT — you started having the dreams after his death, so how could you dreaming of giving birth to him possibly be responsible for his death, which already happened? If you just look at the lack of …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean to dream you are pregnant?
Q: I have a dream every few months that I’m pregnant currently while in college or that I was pregnant in high school and I always think how is this possible, I’ve never slept with anyone and then I wake up going what the f*ck that was so weird. One time I think I had a baby girl. They are very vague I don’t remember them very well. I think in another one I realized I was pregnant because I slept with some guy I used to know, but in reality that never happened. And it’s not like I’m worried about getting pregnant in real life because I have never slept with anyone and I’m not going to until I find the right person and use contraceptives. I have no intention of getting pregnant until I’m married with a good job. I would never want to raise a child I couldn’t take care of. So I don’t really get why I have these dreams.
A: Pregnant dreams are the catch-all bin of a female’s psyche. Once puberty hits, and the realization of sex and its implications hits, the identity becomes irrevocably entwined with the act itself.Change jobs: dream of being pregnant. Break up with a bf: dream of being pregnant. Confused about where you are in life: dream of being pregnant. The same dream could be used for all three scenarios, with the details (such as what gender of child is being born) used to figure out the source of difficulty. These dreams are especially strong in people who have little (or too much) sexual experience, since the heightened fears of sex makes it a perfect match for any subconscious fear that you encounter.In your case, your fears of not being able to be responsible to take care of your ‘children’ is probably why you have your pregnant dreams. Since responsibility comes in all shapes and sizes, fears of taking on too much can instantly trigger a pregnant dream.
Dream that I want a rabbi while I am pregnant and dying?
Q: First off- I am not Jewish. I do however have a very Jewish friend whom I admire and we’re very close. Though not religious, I believe in Spiritual forces.For the past few months I have had a recurring dream that I am hugely pregnant. Only 7 months or so, but my belly is as big as if I’d been carrying a 3 year old.In the dream I am laying in a white room on a gurney with lots of hoses and wires coming out of me in the emergency ward, but I am in my regular clothes, I am also dying. I have been attacked and stabbed many times and am losing copious amounts of blood. I keep requesting a Rabbi.Then I see a woman talking to a weary man and she says something like”We have a very young woman, who is pregnant and has been stabbed several times. All efforts have been made to save her life, but she will die within the hour. We cannot stop the bleeding, and she is in pain. Please come.” and the man follows her.As I am laying down on the gurney the rabbi enters the room, wearing his little cap that they wear on their head and a tallit, it’s like a scarf over the shoulders and he looks at me and suddenly I am filled with peace as he resites prayers I am not familiar with.But I am filled with peace. And I die, and the pain fades.I always wake up with an intense sense of peace within me and I am calm for several hours after this dream.I know that pregnancy represents something I am nurturing within me…But why a rabbi?? Why stabbed? Why carrying such a large pregnancy? And would a rabbi come at the request of a dying person?
A: this is one of those dreams where its filled with lots of secret meaningshttp://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/
Why am I always parinoid that I’m pregnant?
Q: I hate it because it constantly happens….currently i think im pregnant because i sat on my boyfriends lap….a normal person with a practical mind set would think wow crazyyyy. One part of me just wants a family so badly but can’t have it because of school and the other part is like ohh hell no I’m not having a kid I’m 16 I want to be financially stable and have my dream job. I think its because when I do have children I want them to have such an amazing life with no fighting and hitting and bla bla bla like I do. I really hate it and because I got raped sometimes I act out by having sex. Its hard to understand but any ideas of what I should do or why this could be happening. Please help, thank youhey ellas mom you spell sweetie like me 🙂 and thanks 🙂
A: A lot of sexually active teens are like that. Use protection. Don’t have sex because you feel you have to or should. If you were raped I would seriously consider talking to someone about it if you haven’t already. (I was raped at 15) It’s important to talk about it and any feelings you are having. It might also help with you acting out with sex. It’s not healthy for you to be doing that. I did that for a while and it got me nothing but trouble. Maybe try a guidance counselor at school. Good luck sweetie. I hope you get some help. There is nothing wrong with doing so.
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