Why would a woman start her period late

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There are many reasons a woman would be late. you could be pregnant, you could be starting menopause, you could be sick. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-would-a-woman-start-her-period-late ]
More Answers to “Why would a woman start her period late
Do women that start their period late start menopause early??
There are no guidelines for when you start. It isn’t the same for anyone. If you are healthy you have at least thirty years, probably more, of having periods.
When does a woman start her period again after giving birth??
Oh don’t worry. It depends on if you’re breast feeding or not. If you’re breast feeding, it might be awhile still. I didn’t get my period after having either of my kids until they were both about 5-6 months old because I was breast feeding….
Can a woman start her period in the middle of a birth control pac…?
If she has recently started taking the pill then yes. If she has missed some pills, then yes also.

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Did mY Ex Do Something Wrong?
Q: A Year ago, my ex was pregnant, We got in a huge arguement and we didnt talk for 3 days. I texted her sayin, ” Hope you and The baby are ok” at this time she’s 2 months pregnant, She texts back sayin,” Leave Me Alone, I Dont want nothing with you, I can take care of the baby on my own” I waz devastaded and kept trying to talk to her but got nothing in return. 2 weeks Later My friend says that my Girlfriend at the time had a misscarrige. I waz at the point of horrible sadness. We been to check ups together and everything before this. Then a week later i talk to her and she told me she had a misscarrige, Something just didnt feel right, I Just happend out of nowhere, We eneded up that night meeting up and had sex, Then while where in2 it, Blood just starts pouring out, I thought she may have been on her period but its waz like something worse, A week later she goes to the hospital and come to find out she has a horrible infection in her vagina, She told me her cervix waz opened due to the miscarrige. A couple weeks later i started to figure out that why would her cervix be opened, Something had to open it, No miscarrige could do that. A couple weeks later we break up again, we meet up and i ask her straight forward, DID SHE HAVE AN ABORTION BEHIND MY BACK AND DIDNT TELL ME? She finally admited after 6 months of lies that she did it behind my back due to anger. I was so sad and hurt that the woman that i dearly loved did this. I would of respected her more if she would of just told me that she wanted to do that but she alwayz said she would never do that. What she did, Was it wrong? I feel that she did something horrible, Is there anything I can do or anything the law can do?
A: Sometimes after a miscarriage, not everything comes out right away and a women’s body can be fine with it but clots and such can and will come out later with uterine contractions (ie orgasms). A cervix must open and soften for the products of conception to miscarry, sometimes that why a miscarriage hurts so much, a cervix can be closed and hard yet the uterus will still try to cramp out the products of conception despite the state of the cervix. My point is no one can know if she had a miscarriage and complications or an abortion and complications, they are both medically managed the same way. And if you guys ended up having unprotected (a condom) sex, any bacteria on you (STD or not) could have traveled up into her uterus causing the infection. Don’t be so defense, you may have given her the infection without even knowing it. If you have any other questions, my email is always open. ~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion <no regrets> and I have a 13 month old daughter <no regrets>. I believe in protecting my daughter’s choice.Abortion: There is a Consensushttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsSQiazUvgo
Abortion: Did My Ex Do Something Wrong?
Q: A Year ago, my ex was pregnant, We got in a huge arguement and we didnt talk for 3 days. I texted her sayin, ” Hope you and The baby are ok” at this time she’s 2 months pregnant, She texts back sayin,” Leave Me Alone, I Dont want nothing with you, I can take care of the baby on my own” I waz devastaded and kept trying to talk to her but got nothing in return. 2 weeks Later My friend says that my Girlfriend at the time had a misscarrige. I waz at the point of horrible sadness. We been to check ups together and everything before this. Then a week later i talk to her and she told me she had a misscarrige, Something just didnt feel right, I Just happend out of nowhere, We eneded up that night meeting up and had sex, Then while where in2 it, Blood just starts pouring out, I thought she may have been on her period but its waz like something worse, A week later she goes to the hospital and come to find out she has a horrible infection in her vagina, She told me her cervix waz opened due to the miscarrige. A couple weeks later i started to figure out that why would her cervix be opened, Something had to open it, No miscarrige could do that. A couple weeks later we break up again, we meet up and i ask her straight forward, DID SHE HAVE AN ABORTION BEHIND MY BACK AND DIDNT TELL ME? She finally admited after 6 months of lies that she did it behind my back due to anger. I was so sad and hurt that the woman that i dearly loved did this. I would of respected her more if she would of just told me that she wanted to do that but she alwayz said she would never do that. What she did, Was it wrong? I feel that she did something horrible, Is there anything I can do or anything the law can do?
A: Did it ever occur to you… Regardless of whether the pregnancy ended due to m/c or abortion, either way the cervix must open to expel the sac. There is only one way in, and one way out.If she did terminate the pregnancy, no, she was not wrong. She made a choice, most likely a choice that was very hard for her, and went through a procedure that I am sure she did not enjoy. She did not break the law. At that point you had no rights over her or the baby. Sad, but true. Any decision made concerning the unborn comes down to the mother only.
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Q: A so called best friend said she’d marry me and be there always there for meand of coarse I trusted her with everything.She was the best at first but then her messirable friends friends tried to break us up. I had a grieving period during the holidays & my fineces with negitive influences then thought I was just playing games & not giving her attention. She then started to ignore me & telling she was busy. Broke off plans & then in Feb broke off then engagement. The final thing she did was tell everyone lies just to make me look bad so she could look like the victime. Oh forgot she also lied by not sending me back my engagement ring which I payed mostly with credit give by my deceased wifes diamond ring. Botton line this woman has destroyed my heart & hope just to gain a material object. Well my response you won now by I’ll let God be your judge.(she believes stupidly in thinking she can continue to sin with no penalty later) She doesn’t even have a concous about it all
A: You are entitled to get the ring back or the money you paid for it. An engagement ring is not just a gift. Take her to court if she will not give it back.
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