Why would my period be late but i’m not pregnant

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There are many causes of missed periods besides pregnancy. Physical or emotional stress are the top two. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-would-my-period-be-late-but-i%27m-not-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Why would my period be late but i’m not pregnant
How many weeks late can a woman be on her period and not be pregn…?
Skipping a period can be caused by other factors like stress as well as being pregnant.The only way to know why is to take a test.
Can your period be really late not be pregnant??
It is possible to have a really late period or even a missed period and not be pregnant. Your periods can be irregular due to a number of things like stress, eating differently and hormones so it doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant.
Why is my period late – not pregnant?
there are alot of reasons why you might miss a period stress is only one of them. A change of diet along with drastic weight loss/gain excessive exercise etc. If you are still worried or it doesn’t come soon Goo your doctor to make sure tha…

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Why is my period so late if I’m not pregnant?
Q: I have not had my period for 47 days. I bled a tiny bit on day 45, but nothing that would be considered a period. I took a pregnancy test and still nothing! I am calling the doctor today as I am beginning to get very concerned. I am only 25 and cannot think of any other reason (other than being pregnant, which I’m not) as to why the gap in my menstrual cycle.Help!HeddiI have made an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday morning at 11:30 am.Thank you all for responding! I appreciated your input.
A: nothing to worry about, sometimes the cycle does change but that is just normal..
why is my period so late If I’m not pregnant?
Q: my period is like 11 days late I usually get my period every 28 days.. me and my boyfriend would always practice safe sex…literally he would clean his hands with hand sanitizer , clean his area with baby wipes and then put on a condom…then when he would take it off he would tie a knot on every condom and check for holes and there wasn’t any…okay so I got my period June 1st , my period lasts about 7 days so it was normal my boyfriend and I broke up June 6th…I had a normal period in July…after my period in July I started working out and I was taking medication because I got a root canal..I was stressing out a lot because I was practicing for the asvab test and also because of the break up (a lot).I really didnt eat good..and my metabolism is really bad.I also started sleeping very late I probably went to sleep like around 5 am by the end of July and the beginning of august maybe like a week and a half just for no reason so idk if thats the cause so how can i be pregnant?..me and my bf got back together August 13th …we had protected sex on Saturday August 15th my period was already about 9 days late on the 15th …so I got really worried and started thinking what if I was already pregnant before we broke up? but thats not possible I got 2 normal periods me and my bf broke up while i was still on my period June 6th … so Monday august 17th I bought a pregnancy test and it came out negative …I have been getting like cramps every once in a while and really bad headaches which is what i always get before my period comes but still nothing .. should I be worried? sorry its very long!! Its really hard to explain everything in writing please help do you think I’m pregnant? or is it just because of the stress working out and stuff? I’m normal weight 140 pounds 5’4 and I’m 18 yrs old!! If you took the time reading all this I appreciate it!
A: Hi from France ♫Take a test .. Thus you’ll be sure !.. Anyway that can be only the stress who stops your period, that happens !Have a great day,Cat.
Am i pregnant? Why is my period late?
Q: I usually have irregular periods but now i’m a tiny bit worried. My last period began feb.14….. the one before that was 30 days before, then 28 before that and 28 before that last one…so 28-30 days i would say.. But now it’s days 34 and still no period, I’ve had light cramps for a couple of days and it might not be here because of my stress but is there a chance i could be pregnant? My husband said not to worry, it should come soon.. But why is it taking longer than usual?Oops! 33 days
A: 3 days isn’t too late. I would wait a few more and if you still don’t have a period take a test. It’s very common and very normal to have a later cycle every now and again. Everyone will have at least ONE late cycle in their lifetime. More than likely dozens actually. It happens for many reasons.
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