Do people use me

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Be cautious if some one is using you, it can be anyone or even you yourself. Trust your instincts! ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do people use me
Do people use it?
They actually do. Especially if they have a good meal at a restaurant I suggested.
Did many people use the word snarky before dane cook
It means short tempered or irritable, and is in the dictionary, but I think Dane Cook brought it back if no one used it before!
Why do people use blogs?
People write blogs as a way to express themselves and their knowledge or expertise. People read blogs as a source of information or because they find the writer interesting. Blogs are extremely useful, both to the writer and the reader. The…

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where do people that need help go?
Q: i read the story from the person that got help with the holidays and could not believe that people really did thing like that i am a single mom with four kids at home and at this time i can’t find help for the holidays i work but two month ago my job asked all worker to take a pay cut so i went from $800 month to 400 if i did not have section8 we would be on the street most time we don’t have food because most agency you can only get help once a month so where do people like me go for help my kid’s and i don’t have bed to sleep in after a home fire that we had two yr ago thing have been going down hill so to read your story really made me sad. i am one of the people that really could have used that help. my kids are only asking for bed, and food, cloth and that not much but once Again i will have to disappoint them. so just remember the family that you may have hurt. we are out there and in need . and i know some one will say go to social service and i have we get $200 a month in food stamps because i work i make to much for other help are they real. and i could not make my car payment and had to let the bank take it back so at least you have two.but with god help thing can only get better. we hope so if anyone know where i can get help please email me
A: myabe you can go to the thrift store?or go to a church they sometimes give cans of food or give away clothing etc.
why does people use the same laundry basket?
Q: it often bothered me to see people putting fresh clean laundry in the same basket they used to put their dirty laundry in. that’s why i only use my launry basket to put clean clothes, not my dirty ones.
A: If your laundry basket was wet or moist and warm instead of cold and dry you might worry about some germs but in any case they are your germs.At what point during the day do you rip your clothes off because they are now soiled and in contact with your skin. By 5 PM you are officially wearing dirty underwear or by your standard at 9:15 AM ?When your clothes are in the washing machine at what point are they being washed in dirty water?Do you switch to a clean towel halfway down your body becuase now you are just dragging dirt from one part of your body to another? Once you have hit your nether regions do you have to have a new towel or washcloth?If it sounds ridiculous it is.
What do people use to shave lines on their heads?
Q: I want to know what tool barbers use to shave lines into people’s heads like david beckham or chris brown. and if you know the tool can you get me a link to a site like amazon so that i can buy it? itd be appreciated.
A: shave lines? wtf? haha that makes no sense…
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