How can I deal with a death in the family

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I deal with a death in the family”,you can compare them.

Avoiding grief helps recovery. Research found those who repressed grief were psychologically healthier 14 months after their loss. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I deal with a death in the family
My mother passed away the week of my cousin’s wedding (my mother’s niece). They were going to postpone the wedding but my dad, sisters and I told them not to. My mom would not have wanted that. We had a good time at the wedding. My cousin h…
As sure as the sun always sets in the west at the end of each day, death will certainly come to everyone at anytime. No one is exempted, rich or poor, black or white, young and old alike for as a famous saying puts it: Death is the great eq…
It is a very hard and difficult time to overcome because you have known this person all of your life and when they go you know that they are never coming back to your home or be in your presence is something difficult to overcome. Just when…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you deal with a family death ?
Q: I just lost my grandfather last week and I cant handle it. I mean I’ve deltwith many deaths in my family. I cant deal with any more death and I dont know how to feel. I feel numb and emotionless. Too many people in my life have died and I dont feel that I can deal with this anymore. What I would like to know is how do you deal with death?Can anyone help me make sense of this whole thing ?
A: Death is a part of life. If you have religious beliefs it will definitely help you through the hard times like death of a loved one. I lost both my parents within 7 months and it took me years to get over. There is little help for grief other than time. Sorry for your loss.
How to help friend deal with a family death?
Q: i personally haven’t had to deal with death in my family, we haven’t even had a death my great grandmother is 98 now and coming from a greek background i have a really big family. anyway my best friends grandmother has passed away and im not sure what to say to her as i have never been in this situation before. i guess i just want her to know im there for her but are there things i should avoid saying thanks
A: Hazel said the real key to comforting. Just listen. Me personally, I wouldn’t bring it up at all unless she does. If she starts crying (again from my experience) don’t leave her alone, but don’t say anything. Just let her cry and sit with her. Trust me, it helps. It says ‘I’m here for you’ without saying anything. I’ve lost both of my grandmothers five years ago and three years ago, and I am crying as I write this. Time does not heal all things. It will never get better, just easier.
How can i deal with a family death?
Q: Today i found out that my fav.16 yr old cousin died from a car accident. I’m getting depressed and completely sad. I’m not sure how to deal with this death thing because it’s just not one of those things i’ve never really dealt with as a kid
A: Sorry to hear that my friend. I know your cousin would want you to be happy instead of being depressed and sad. Don’t be like this forever. We must all move on with our lives. Express your true emotion. Let it out, and greave. Death is complicated to deal with because it affects certain people. Think of the funny or good times you had with him. Maybe that’ll put a smile on your face, and maybe your cousin’s, who’s up THERE now.
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