How do you stop from being ticklish

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you stop from being ticklish”,you can compare them.

I try to think of something that makes me sad or angry. It helps me. Good luck. Let’s ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you stop from being ticklish
How do you stop being ticklish?
I’m Ticklish Too, Extremely. Its A Mind-over-Matter Thing, I Know A Few People That Are Only Ticklish If They Want To Be. (I Wish I Could Do That! ha ha.)
Is there a way to stop being ticklish?
Given a wide range of anecdotal evidence, I’d guess that ticklishness could be considered as having a physical component and a mental component, and that each individual’s ticklishness could be split by percentage. So many people say they’v…
Can you stop being ticklish?
you can desensitive yourself i believe..the interesting fact about being tickled is that it always needs the element of surprise..even if you see someone reaching for you, to your body the exact second of touch is a surprise..that is why it…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you stop being ticklish?
Q: Im sooo ticklish aroung the stomach area. I’ll scream really loud and its embarrasing sometimes. Plus my friends and cousins always tickle me and its torture. Is there a way to stop being so ticklish?
A: I’m Ticklish Too, Extremely. Its A Mind-over-Matter Thing, I Know A Few People That Are Only Ticklish If They Want To Be. (I Wish I Could Do That! ha ha.)
How can I stop being ticklish during a massage?
Q: I can’t seem to relax to receive a massage. I always get ticklish. What can I do to avoid being ticklish and enjoy my massage?
A: Ask the therapist to use more pressure. Also, focus on your breathing. Deep breaths along with concentrating on something other than the massage usually works. I tell clients to close their eyes, take deep breathes and imagine their favorite vacation spot.
How do I stop being ticklish?
Q: I’m always ticklish how do I stop that?
A: you cant..its part of your central nervous system and its a reflex.
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