How long do you dream for

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How long do you dream for”,you can compare them.

When we first go to sleep it takes us an hour to have our first dream, which lasts about 15 minutes, then we have one every hour. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do you dream for
The average dream is 20 minutes long.But your dreams can be shoter or longer.
For how long we dream, depends on a few things. If you are asking for how long a dream lasts, then that could be anything from a second to over an hour. REM sleep is when dreaming mostly occurs. When you sleep, you go through several stages…
Each individual dream last for about 1 minute. Then the next dream commences. This way for upto one hour there may be a sequence of dreams each unconnected to one another. The dreams occur during the Rapid Eye Movement state of our sleep. T…

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A: Depends on where you work. The driving class is totally separate, but its usually a condition of employment meaning you need the class.Where I’m at we’re all required to have our driving class. Most places have the EMT as the driver and the paramedic as the one in the back or navigating. Driving is a HUGE part of the job as you will soon come to realize, and you have to have your EMT before you get your paramedic.
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A: The best thing to do is start playing in amature tournaments. This will not only help you network with other players that share the same dream, but also improve your tournament game greatly. Dont be fooled, you may be a 5 during practice rounds, but come tourny time your handicap will go up. Try to qualify for the US amature open, play in club championships, and just keep practicing. Work on the short game the most, as this will save you the most strokes on unfamiliar courses. This all being said, the only way to make the tour consistently is to have extremely good timing, win when you need to win, get as much press as possible, get a sponser, and be at least a +3index. Being a collegiate golfer for a big university, and there are over 500 collegiate golfers per tournament that are at least +1 index, and maybe 1 out of 10000 will make it to the tour. The best advice i could give you is to try and play as much as possible with the best players possible and continue to try to push your game to the next level. Never settle. Look at tiger, he just keeps trying to get better, and he is the best golfer of all time.
How long does the average dream last?
Q: I heard that they only last 3 seconds. That can’t be true because I have really long dreams.
A: From what I have read they last, on average, 20 minutes.
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